
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's why I will play sorc! They will buff her! Right?... Right?

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Seriously, why are there so many people who believe their character gets wiped? That's not going to be the case, your character will stay, but you can't play the season content with it, you have to create a new one.

Clearing campaign and getting all the statues is the right thing to do because the statues carry over to every new character and you can skip the campaign for the season character. All this is only relevant if you want to play the season. In that case I'd recommend to read some of the guides - on maxroll for example

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Euch Fleischesser zu überzeugen funktioniert in den meisten Fällen sowieso nicht, weil ihr Gehirnakrobatik macht um euch ja nicht euer Fleisch verbieten zu lassen. Statdessen meckert ihr rum, so wie du hier auch, weil ihr euch von Fakten angegriffen fühlt. Und ob das wirklich niemanden überzeugt, was du hier so hinstellst, bezweifel ich einfach mal. Komm gerne wieder, wenn du mit Tiere quälen fertig bist.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

Exakt. Du isst Tiere, dann unterstützt du Tierquälerei. Wenn du dich davon angegriffen fühlst ist das dein Problem, nicht unseres. Ich muss den ganzen Tag Rücksicht auf Omnis nehmen, das brauch ich nicht hier auch noch. Dieser Sub ist in meinem Verständnis für Veganer und interessierte, alle andern können gerne wo anders hin gehen.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Natural is such a stupid argument. Is it natural for us to use a smartphone? Sit in a car and drive around? Work 8h a day instead of being with your peer group? Breed a fast growing special kind of animal, feed it with chemical ingredients and plants that don't grow here only to eat them? Eat processed sugar? I think you get where I am going. Stop using this bullshit argument and take some supplements, your body will thank you.


Hello, I am struggling with my selfworth and always think that nobody likes me. My therapist suggested that i ask around how often others interact with friends because she thinks that my belief of how often that is is very wrong. i am not so sure of that, so lets see:

How often do you see friends? How often do you get contacted by them without contacting them first? Are you satisfied with that? What are interactions like? Are you missing something? Do you think the amount has anything to do with you?

Thank you for answering (:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Awww you just made my morning (:

You know what? Maybe we would get along because if people open up to me and are clear with what they want (oh and interact with me out of own motivation) it makes everything so much more easy for me.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (20 children)

You can take them as supplements. It's the same for your body. Oh and you are already doing that, because they give supplements to the animals they raise and kill, we are just eliminating the middleman.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You sound like someone I cant be with, because quiet people always makes me think that something is wrong with me, that they don't want to be there, that they feel bad or that I am the only person they can't talk to. And then I start to think I am responsible for their well being wich leads to talking, making suggestions to do something and so on.

The strange thing: if I would knew that the other person feels fine I would be totally okay with silence. Why not? If that is what you want, i am happy to give it to you and mind my own business. But my inner bully doesn't allow me to think that anyone around me is fine if they don't show active happiness. Social anxiety is an asshole.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Who ever wins the bali final will take the lead. Seems appropriately. But overall it's 7:3 this year with 3:0 in finals in favor for GG so yeah - I also feel gg should be ahead of liquid

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Jepp da war mein Wunsch wol größer als das genaue lesen. Mein Fehler.

So viel zur Verkehrswende. Dann doch wieder Faltrad. Absurd.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Kaufen kann ich das auch, aber ob ich das brauche steht ja auf einem anderen Blatt. Es gibt diverse Seiten im Netz die sagen das man das nicht braucht. Hier zB:

In Nahverkehrszügen (SPNV) dürfen Fahrräder (auch e-​Bikes, Pedelecs, Tandems, Liegeräder oder Dreiräder) in den gekennzeichneten Fahrradabstellbereichen (z. B. Mehrzweckabteile) mitgenommen werden, sofern Platz vorhanden ist.


Aber ich kapier nicht ob das offiziell ist oder nicht.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hallo zusammen,

Dank Deutschland Ticket würde ich gerne mit dem Rad wo hin fahren und dann den Zug zurück nehmen. Bisher habe ich immer mein Faltrad mit genommen und musste mir keine Gedanken um Radpreise machen, jetzt würde ich aber gerne mein Gravel Bike nutzen. Und nun zu meinem Problem:

Ich bin nicht in der Lage raus zu finden ob ich bei der Fahrt mit einem RE oder der S-Bahn im Bereich NRW ein extra Ticket brauch oder nicht.

Die Regeln sind so kompliziert und teilweise widersprüchlich das ich total unsicher bin. Kann mir jemand der öfter fährt helfen?


Was haltet ihr davon?

Finde es krass - die Abgabenlast ist sowieso schon sehr hoch - jetzt noch mehr Geld in das überlastete Rentensystem zu pumpen ist schon krass.

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