This is such a difficult question to answer. I love all the characters for their various personalities and interplay. If I had to choose one I would say Fry. His lines are just hilarious. As for non-main characters, I'd have to go with Morbo.
Clobberella beats you up. Clobberella beats you up. Who does she beat up?....YOU Clobberella
I liked Disenchantment, but not as much as I hoped I would. As it is a separate entity from Futurama, it deserves it's own flavors. They just didn't hit my palate the way Futurama does.
Sub to that community and then give it a good blast from your spice weasel. Bam!
Hoping that reddit refugees from r/futurama, r/unexpectedfuturama, and r/Futurama_Sleepers will find this corner of the fediverse.
Awesome to the max!