
joined 1 year ago
[–] AutistoMephisto 3 points 3 months ago

Yeah. Every city in America will have a skid row. Ever seen the movie "District 9"? They kinda want that for America's homeless and immigrants

[–] AutistoMephisto 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

And to get ahead of a new law they passed in California, they're already putting it on the screen before check out that you're buying a license to the game, not the game itself. Of course, I think just like Prop65, it will be too broad. Prop65 is the law that says that anything with even a trace amount of carcinogens has to have a warning that announces the presence of carcinogens.

[–] AutistoMephisto 1 points 4 months ago

Not even Empty G?

[–] AutistoMephisto 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

And he can send the US Marshals to bring them in. They can be handcuffed and dragged into the Chamber. I believe Kevin Spacey's character in House of Cards did this. Wonder which ones will get into a shootout with Marshals telling them the President needs them to come in and do their job?

[–] AutistoMephisto 14 points 4 months ago

Biden should do it, anyway. Do it and declare it an official act, force a Constitutional crisis when SCOTUS tells him its not an official act. The Judicial Branch, by design, has no enforcement arm to make POTUS do anything. They cannot send a brute squad into the White House to apprehend him and Harris. They can say it's not official, but they can't actually make him stop. Now, Congress does have armed goons they can send in, but they would immediately be confronted by Secret Service agents with itchy trigger fingers.

[–] AutistoMephisto 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Exactly. You get what you give. You give the bare minimum to society, and society will give it right back. You want more, give more. Go help your community. Take out your elderly neighbor's recycling. Volunteer at your local shelters/soup kitchens. Attend some local events. Sit in on city council meetings. When I moved out of my small town a couple years ago, I learned that real life is a lot like online forums. You have to lurk before you can post. Learn the language, the local etiquette and taboos. Watch the people in your neighborhood, their interactions. Blend into the background, and observe. Talk little, hear and see much.

[–] AutistoMephisto 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Exactly. This is a conservative-majority SCOTUS saying, "We decided long ago what we were going to do about this issue and many others. Nothing you can say will change our course. This conversation is over."

[–] AutistoMephisto 1 points 5 months ago

The problem is the Federalism. Individual States have legislatures of their own, with, AFAICT, unchecked power to pass whatever laws they want within their borders. Congress, when it works, can only pass laws that regulate commerce between States, ensure citizens can move freely between States, collect taxes from those States, and other things.

But again, when a State with a conservative legislature has control, they can enact parts of Project 2025, but only within their borders. They can't force other States to follow suit unless they want SCOTUS involved.

[–] AutistoMephisto 4 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Eyeball every single purchase the Israeli government makes. If they start buying Zyklon B or any of its precursors, and building showers in these camps, then we know. I guess when they said "Never again" after WW2 they meant "Never again, to us."

[–] AutistoMephisto 11 points 5 months ago (4 children)

Disney winning sets a precedent that will ultimately lead to vigilante justice by necessity.

If Disney wins, then our “justice” system does not work and cannot be trusted, thus leading people to doing what they need to just to survive when every company starts using that clause to prevent us from holding them responsible for anything at all.

And if that's the case, I guess I need to dig out my mask and cape, and get back to work as a crime fighter.

[–] AutistoMephisto 5 points 6 months ago (2 children)

In the States where child marriage is not legalized, it's treated as an informally arranged marriage. Basically, one guy promises his daughter to another guy in exchange for something and they wait until the girl is 18 or in some cases 17 or 16 before getting anything on paper.

[–] AutistoMephisto 2 points 6 months ago

We literally created the Electoral College as DEI for slave states. It went hand-in-hand with the infamous "3/5ths Compromise" that allowed slavers to cast ballots in the names of their slaves, so slavers could cast as many votes as they had slaves.

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