
joined 2 years ago
[–] Asifall 7 points 4 months ago

Yeah I have a habit of doing this and then testing the link to find the smallest possible version. Mostly because I find it annoying when I want to text a link to someone and it takes up an entire page of the chat.

[–] Asifall 15 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I have a really distinct memory of finding a bunch of these in a friend’s house when I was a kid and every one was empty. After watching the TC video I think it’s more likely I just wasn’t pressing hard enough and had no way to know that. Anyway, I can see why they stopped making them.

[–] Asifall 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I wonder what that 25 number actually means. It’s 25 across multiple slot types so I’m guessing it’s less a measured value and more a quality control number based on their most fragile product.

Probably something like a sample is cycled 25 times and if less than X% still test as being in spec they know something is wrong with the current batch, but again that’s mostly a guess and the actual durability experienced by the end user would vary significantly depending on what the acceptable failure rate is.

[–] Asifall 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Placed the two modules that are passing the test in another computer, error

So you put the ram you thought was good in another motherboard and it failed memtest? I’d interpret that to mean one of 3 things

A) the problem is in one of those modules you switched

B) separate problems occurred on both motherboards either due to unrelated issues or the memory being seated incorrectly (this is really unlucky)

C) there’s a problem with the modules you switched and an unrelated problem either in the other modules or in your primary motherboard (you poor bastard)

Did you take note of where in memory memtest was finding errors? If it wasn’t in the same general area between runs then its more likely to be a motherboard issue.

[–] Asifall 5 points 4 months ago

The argument is that google uses integration between its own ad network and YouTube to outcompete any similar service. If anyone else tries to launch a video platform and sell ad space to google, which is likely given that google owns the world’s largest ad network, it’s in googles best interest to either give their own competitor an unfavorable deal or to completely lock them out of their ad marketplace.

If YouTube and google were forced to operate as independent companies it eliminates this conflict of interest.

[–] Asifall 1 points 5 months ago

Shouldn’t everything be grounded through the panel as well? I know I have a ground wire running out to a copper plate in the ground next to my house and my understanding was that if the neutral goes that would serve as the path to ground. Is this house missing that feature or am I wrong?

[–] Asifall 5 points 5 months ago

I don’t understand the bottled water thing either but I think the rise of things like delivery services and subscriptions can be linked to increasing workloads and decreasing community assistance.

If every member of your household is also working a full time job your time becomes significantly more valuable.

[–] Asifall 26 points 5 months ago (1 children)

This isn’t a new thing but I hate anytime it asks me a question. I’ll be driving through an accident scene trying to work out where the cop directing traffic wants me to go and if I’ll need to go a different way because the turn I was gonna make is blocked off and at that precise moment google maps decides it’s a great idea to cover the bottom half of the screen with a “is tHeRe sTiLl An aCcIdEnT hErE?”

If it’s illegal to use your phone while driving it should be illegal for navigation apps to suddenly require interaction in the middle of navigating.

[–] Asifall 2 points 5 months ago

Yeah I’ve definitely been noticing this one a lot more recently. It won’t even give me an option anymore, just switch to another route even when the turn is less than a minute away. Sometimes if I’m driving through a town it will switch multiple times in a few minutes which is infuriating

[–] Asifall 1 points 5 months ago

I don’t see how we can ever get to this point without solving vergence accommodation conflict, which even Apple seems not to have a plan for. I truly don’t understand the money pouring into AR tech at this point in time.

[–] Asifall 6 points 5 months ago (4 children)

So does B make this basically a non-starter? Seems like you’re never going to get someone to cooperate with this (not that I blame them).

[–] Asifall 3 points 5 months ago

I know someone who used to be a genius and apparently it was uncommon but not unheard of for someone to puncture a battery resulting in a violent fire that had to be put out by dumping a fuckload of sand onto it.

So this isn’t that far off from working at a Genius Bar normally.

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