They all know to play this dumb bastards ego
And he and his family died cause life isn't fairy tales
It would seem that way. The people elected a guy that tried to overthrow democracy
How do you recover from that
People aren't moving away from it. Of course they come back
Are we. Is that what the demos say? Don't think black men and Latinos care about Gaza. The far left is so finicky and small
The mythical left dem base doesn't out vote average centerist group. If you are looking for a perfect group you'll never find it
It obviously is
It's well documented that migrants cause less crime
Shots dead sooo dead. Delta force might be worth
If it becomes a non fictional issue it'll reach a tipping point
As of now as then it's a bit of a Boogeyman. If it grows passed that things will have to change
Pixel8 has a thermometer built in.