
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

Yeah, Ford wants Singh to know that, in no uncertain terms, he should be grifting his way to a fabulously wealthy retirement by lending political favours to developers and private healthcare companies, just like Mike Harris did.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Dude is seriously mentally ill.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago (2 children)

For the record, supervised consumption sites aren't the solution to drug abuse. They're the solution to people dying of drug poisonings before they can get help with their addictions.

What causes drug addiction? Hopelessness. Homelessness. Mental illness. Abuse.

What's the government doing to solve those problems? Sweet. Fuck. All.

This is what conservative governments bring you -- cruelty and making existing problems worse.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

So we need to make them care again with regulations, fines, and even criminal charges when it reaches that threshold

It's a crown corp. "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing." is the order of the day.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

If you can't negotiate and come to an agreement with your union, and ask the government to intervene, the government should impose conditions that are better than what the union is asking for.

I mean, they won't do it... Even though CN made $5B last year, and $4B the year before that, then turned around and spent most of it on stock buy-backs to inflate their share price, making insiders an insane amount of money...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah, my buddy was under microFIT - he missed the deadline for 80c/kWh, but got into the program that pays him 40c/kWh.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Works in Ontario. A friend of mine generates 2x to 4x more power than he uses. He had a 10k kW solar roof put in, it faces south, and the pitch of his roof was actually optimized for power output in the winter. His heat is propane, which isn't optimal from an environmental aspect, but it's modern and otherwise power-efficient.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Hateful troll it is. Welcome to my blocklist.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Want me to play you the voicemail she left me where she disowned me? Or should I just forward you the eMails where she told me I was a fool who would be dead soon from the COVID vaccine? Or should I tell you about all the crazy and insane bullshit she insisted was fact before screaming at me and hanging up the phone on me?

Or would that not change your mind because you're simply a hateful troll?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago

You think you'll be getting more? How do you think the shareholders will get paid? Do you think doctors and nurses will cost less in the private system? Will private companies negotiate with pharma to lower drug prices, or just add 20% on top?

I suspect you haven't thought this through, and are letting your anger lead you to the wrong conclusion. Maybe you could try voting for someone else (and convincing your friends and family to do the same) for the next election.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

My mother moved from Ontario to Alberta a few years back because she said it was the "last place in Canada that respects my freedom". I probably don't need to tell you she dove head-first into the barrel of pig shit that is internet conspiracy theories over the course of the pandemic.

She's chronically ill with a leukemia that is successfully managed by medication -- but it requires regular care from experts or she could have a stroke or heart attack. She was also showing signs of dementia before I had to go zero-contact with her. As much as I don't wish her harm... I suspect she won't live long enough to regret her decision for very long.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, I wonder if they considered at all the consequence of potentially having BOTH CN and CPKS in the position to strike. Or, if they did, and this is what they came up with... Wow. What a fuckup.


I used to make this offer each year in November/December on the old alien site before they lost their minds and I deleted everything and left. Over the past decade, I've digitized 100+ hours of video, and close to 1000 photos.

I can digitize the following formats:

  • 35mm negative / slides / négatif / diapositif
  • 8mm film (8mm & Super 8) (without audio)
  • VHS-C "compact" video tape (not full size VHS)
  • MiniDV video (not HD... yet)
  • 8mm Videocassette ("Sony" 8mm / Hi8 / Digital 8)
  • Audio cassettes

Reasonable limits apply - one of:

  • Up to 80 frames of 35mm negatives / slides (2-3 "rolls")
  • Up to 5 reels 8mm film
  • Up to 5 VHS-C videotapes
  • Up to 5 MiniDV cassettes
  • Up to 5 8mm videocassettes

... or some reasonable mix of each.

Output is in JPEG or MPEG4 format. For MiniDV/Digital8, I can provide the original .dv files, but they're gigantic - 20+GB/hr. 35mm slides/negatives are usually returned in plastic sheets suitable for storage in a binder.

Turnaround time is usually 72 hours.

Process: Pack up your media in a box, include your ID on Lemmy on a piece of paper, a USB stick for storage (about 1GB per hour of video). Drop off at my office in St. Henri, and pick it up in the same place a few days later.

People often ask why I do this. Freeing cherished memories from old media is a hobby of mine, I don't do this for a living, but I've accumulated a lot of equipment over the last 10 years of doing this.

EDIT: Formatting.

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