It’s a great joke.
As has happened a thousand times. The criminal justice system needs to be perceived as effective to the masses, so they will often use a patsy.
Truth is that killing someone and getting away with it is not too difficult if you’re very smart and plan it well.
Just FYI it’s “hanged.”
They’ve publicly admitted to conducting harmful social experiments and they said “oh weee sowwwy.” Why they weren’t fined $1B is beyond me. Oh wait… it’s because they’re Big Brother’s first line of recon.
Two down, 627,000 to go!
Never going to happen. Got to keep those sheep. Buying new every few years. A long lasting product of quality is not in their playbook.
Bot. Less than 24 hours old account.
Op is a brand new account it’s just a bot to shitpost. I imagine some people would like to begin filling Lemmy with vitriol to bring it down into the sewers like all the rest. Mods should ban these users no question no delay.
I’ll take a look at the Magisk one to see what it can do, thanks!
It should never be such a pain. TotalCommander allowed me to use any of my thousand TTF fonts by browsing to them and selecting one. That’s it. Simple and instant. It only works within the app for display, though. Of course, TotalCommander was made by the best, works on every device literally and fails at nothing at all. Maybe the Android developers should ask them how to code.
Valid points! Like I was saying to some others, I don't really need a setting to go into and say here's my own fonts, but I don't like that it's not even doable (unless you know how to backdoor it?)
By the way, thank you for that link!!! That article is insightful as well as reminding me that there are other people who think exactly like I do; I was thinking it's like I could have written it myself, it's so in-line with how I think and what I complain about! I practically gushed when he made the CSI:NY reference without drawing attention to it.😄
Well Google search stopped being about accuracy quite a while ago. It’s all about money now and directing searches to the highest bidder.
I don’t think Boolean operators are not able to be used anymore, are you sure about that?
I’m so sick and tired of literally everything in the world that has beautiful potential quickly getting turned into just another way to shovel in cash by feeding stupid and troglodyte level sophistication.
Can not one fucking thing remain intelligent and noble? Do we get nothing at all? Everyone sells out, ultimately - and I don’t even think it’s always by choice. Call me a conspiracy nut but I’ve long ago concluded that there are authorities maintaining an influence and status quo of ignorance and stupidity, and anyone who dares to try to serve up something better gets threatened or killed, bought out, whatever needed to put an end to their honorable intentions.
I thought it was just my imagination that it’s been getting worse and worse in both implementation and ecosystem.