
joined 2 years ago
[–] AnarchistArtificer 3 points 1 year ago

This is a great list for ableist terms . I'm disabled in multiple ways and there were a few on here that caused me to re-evaluate my lexicon.

A list has limited use because language evolves, and so do people, and on top of that, context is everything — but it can be a good place to start

[–] AnarchistArtificer 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think I would probably be a jerk a few times, and it would escalate until I hurt someone unthinkingly, and seeing the results of that would shock me back to reality and I'd feel so uncomfortable with myself that I'd hopefully go back to being less of a jerk.

[–] AnarchistArtificer 21 points 1 year ago (3 children)

To be fair, in many cases, the observable behaviour of things is different at scale. A single water molecule has different properties to a cup of water, in much the same way that a high density crowd of people (greater than 4 people per square meter) starts to behave as a fluid.

I study biochemistry and I'll never stop finding it neat how when you get down to the teensy tiny level, all the rules change. That's basically what quantum physics is, a different ruleset which is always "true", so to speak, but it's only relevant when you're at the nano scale

I suppose what I'm saying is that I agree with you, that fathoming scope is difficult, but I'm suggesting that this is a property of the world inherently getting being a bit fucky at different scales, rather than a problem with human perception.

[–] AnarchistArtificer 5 points 1 year ago

Man, I love internet nerds

[–] AnarchistArtificer 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I really relate to your comment, and one of the most rage inducing experiences I've ever had was someone lecturing me on how I shouldn't call myself disabled, and then they badly explained the social model of disability to me.

However, I also find neurodivergent a useful term because I think that what we understand as disability is limited by our current world view. An example that feels analogous to me is how colonialist empires dismissed the art, culture and knowledge of indigenous peoples because they projected their preconceived values onto them.

I think that there's a lot we don't understand about autism, and how heavily normative society is holds us back. There are things that I am great at that feel inextricably linked to my autism. That doesn't negate all the difficulties I also experience, but the word "neurodivergent" and the conversations that have developed around it feel it carves out space where I can lean into my autistic traits in situations where they're strengths without having to be "super-autistic"; but also I can struggle in ways that neurotypical people can't fathom, and it isn't viewed as "negating" my strengths.

A large part of this is because the first chunk of my adult life, I broke myself by trying to act overly neurotypical, and like many autistics, I found that masking to this degree was unsustainable. Now, I'm much closer to a balance where I can pick my battles and not force myself to be something I'm not - like having tinted glasses for the office instead of expecting myself to somehow cope with my light hypersensitivity. In many ways, it feels like a different mode of being altogether - "wellness" for me looks different to "wellness" to a neurotypical, and I'd wager that "wellness" for you and other people in this thread would look closer to my version than the neurotypical version.

That being said, I agree that the way that people talk about stuff like ADHD and autism feels icky as hell. Personally, I find it more depressing to pretend that I'm not disabled, because actually, ignorance isn't bliss when I can't run from my reality. Sometimes things just suck, and they're hard, and pretending otherwise makes it harder to cope with because it's implicitly saying "I'm lying to myself because the truth is untenable".

[–] AnarchistArtificer 1 points 1 year ago

Badly. I have an awful short term memory, so my priority when making notes is capturing fleeting thoughts I'd otherwise lose. This means I end up with snippets on random pieces of paper or a random note on whatever is the default app on my phone. Then, every so often, I have a big clear out where I aggregate and process all these fragments, usually when I am finding fragments everywhere.

I need to have an inbox of sorts, and make processing things from there a more routine activity. Alas.

[–] AnarchistArtificer 6 points 1 year ago

My domain is more bioinformatics than GIS, but the way I imagined it was that if one was arguing that [thing] data is better, they're arguing that if more people recognised the innate benefits of [thing], we wouldn't have to rely on software that uses [other thing] so much, and that to properly utilise [thing], it would take a bit of radical reworking of workflows, but there would be significant long term net benefit.

Basically, I think arguments like this tend to be more grounded in the socio-cultural practices of a research field than the absolute technical merits of an approach. Like in my domain, a DNA sequence is just a long sequence of 4 different letters (A, T, G & C), but there's a bunch of ways we can encode that data into a file, many of which have trade-offs (and some of which are just an artifact of how things used to be done)

[–] AnarchistArtificer 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ea-Nasir has got to be one of my favourite internet phenomena

Explainer link for people who are blessed enough to be hearing of this for the first time:

[–] AnarchistArtificer 10 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I feel like it can be over used, but generally I like it, it fills a lexical niche for me. I could use non autistic, but that feels clunky. Sometimes it's useful to talk about non autistic people's experiences in relation to autistic people, and sometimes I want to talk about autistic experiences in relation to allistic experiences, so I may prefer a term like allistic.

A thing that feels similar to me is the word allosexual, which means not asexual. I guess I would identify as being on the ace spectrum, but not ace (I'm demisexual), so allosexual is often a useful word

[–] AnarchistArtificer 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Would have to look at their paper itself, but I can't find it so far.

I got you, OP.

And also another relevant thing that wasn't in the main article is the name "Dr Malcom Morgan", of University of Leeds' Institute for Transport Studies. I find it weird that it took a wee bit of digging to find mention of him when it seems he was a big part of the University of Leeds arm of this partnership study; most coverage I've seen quotes Mike Childs instead, who seems to be more on the public facing side than the active research (not checked though). (Source for Dr Morgan's involvement:

Anyway, Dr Malcom Morgan seems like an interesting person, from scanning over his page - I particularly like the emphasis he puts on Open Data. (

[–] AnarchistArtificer 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't feel especially well poised to give advice here, because I'm still struggling with this, but maybe that's the point; increasingly, I think that my idea of what "coping well" means is false and unattainable, and that real progress involves a bit of self acceptance.

On that front, my advice would be that living with ADHD means learning what battles are worth fighting, and only you can figure out.

A friend of mine used to struggle with extended chunks of work of one kind, and she spent a long while trying to force herself to work with timers and stuff, but her actual productivity shot up when she gave herself a bunch of tasks to cycle between. She enjoyed breaking up work with household tasks like washing the pots, because it's simple, and has a defined end. Amusingly, sometimes she'd work at my place when we were students, and she'd tidy up for me and later say thank you for the opportunity.

One of my issues was I kept expecting myself to remember stuff when my short term memory is trash, even by ADHD standards. I got better at training myself to write stuff down, including sometimes asking for a break in the conversation to give me a chance to write it down so I don't forget. That was awkward at first, but it got easier, and most people were understanding - most people seemed to respond positively in fact, because it shows that you care about what's being discussed (certainly more positive than if I'd forgotten and incorrectly given them the impression that I didn't care)

I spent a long time trying out different apps and systems, because novelty seeking brain wanted a silver bullet to solve all the things. Sometimes I still fall into that trap, but nowadays I know that even the best todolist or calendar app in the world won't help if I don't use it. It's a me problem, and integration problem. Part of what helped me there was actually evaluating where my various systems kept going wrong. Like instead of calling myself lazy for not keeping things tidier, I made actual progress by buying a bunch of bins so that there's always one at hand. I stopped berating myself so much. Beating yourself up for not being able to do things is internalised ableism.

Medication helps a lot, but I found that there were a bunch of maladaptive coping measures I'd built up over the years that I had to unlearn once I had medication. And then when I had a period without medication, I found myself struggling more than ever. It's a combo approach, is what I'm saying. Don't expect yourself to function at the same level as you would if you were medicated.

What you describe reminds me a lot of this comic about how untreated ADHD traps you on depression.

[–] AnarchistArtificer 20 points 1 year ago (6 children)

As someone with chronic pain, this is actually pretty good

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