
joined 9 months ago
[–] Allonzee 3 points 3 hours ago

Thank you! I try to, even though at the end of the day the best you can do is the show runner that signed off on it, as you'll never really know who invented it in the writer's room.

[–] Allonzee 6 points 5 hours ago (3 children)

"Who I am is where I stand.

Where I stand is where I fall."

-Steven Moffat, Doctor Who

I have a lot of darkness in my head due to my upbringing. I'll never get it out. That doesn't stop me from being a good man, because who you are and what you'll be remembered as isn't your internal struggle, its what you chose to stand for in practice.

[–] Allonzee 6 points 1 day ago

...When the derp comes around...

[–] Allonzee 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

I say this as an American who served in the military for college money (I knew this place was shite even then but our country makes the poor very desperate)

They need to kick our military bases the fuck out of Europe. We have betrayed any goodwill. Those bases are a springboard and advantage for our geopolitical interests, not theirs.

And by geopolitical interests, I mean pushing to gain more exploitation markets for our capitalists 🤮

[–] Allonzee 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I have ideas about a targeted solution that would leave about 99.5% of the population better off, and provide the other 0.5% a peace they prove constantly on no uncertain terms by how they live they would never be capable of attaining in any other way.

I wish I was allowed to say it.

The gallows funniest bit about this whole situation is that the ones perpuating it aren't happy either, even in victory. They could have 50 quadrillion dollars and their own space station mansion, and they still wouldn't be satisfied, because our civilization rewards a very specific kind of dangerous mental illness.

They should be getting care in secure mental health facilities to keep society safe from their avarice, the kind they defunded for tax cuts through captured government.

[–] Allonzee -2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It is inevitable that capitalists will conquer their state, but with constant vigilance, for a time, capitalism can and is used as an engine to serve society, so long as it is heavily regulated and hobbled. The Nordic nations for example.

It's when the capitalists begin to be allowed to influence their government, and convince the people THEY can live larger than their neighbors if it weren't for all the social equity evil government enforces, capitalism's signature siren call.

The Nordic countries still have free to roam policies. Capitalism here capturing their own regulators and being allowed to warp public opinion with blatant self serving lies through for profit media pulpits make some Americans eager to shoot other Americans.

I'm not for capitalism at all because it eventually leads here, to fascism, and eventually someone in power will be dumb or corrupt enough to let their guard down. But we let our capitalists conquer our government, as have several western nations. And here we are.

[–] Allonzee 73 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (5 children)

Never forget, the fruit of the tree of capitalism is fascism.

Capitalism unrestrained and left to do its thing, as it has, always leads to fascism. Fascism is the takeover of the state by the capitalists.

This is why fascism is blooming all over the western world. The global capitalist economy is simply in full bloom sitting on entirely captured nation states and fruiting.

The fruit being concentration camps, war, poverty, and scapegoating. Anything to blame literally anyone and everything else for all the inhuman malice the capitalists are doing to attempt to satiate their unquenchable greed.

If anyone still cares about maybe not ending the world for humanity, the capital markets must be destroyed, and speculative investment by passive robber barons not actively participating in laboring to produce products and services must be outlawed. But don't worry, we'll fade into the oblivion of greed made climate change out of cowardice. We'll probably be grateful to die to that after the Fascists have had their fun.

[–] Allonzee 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It really should be policy to allow at least the seat(s) next to the deceased (I understand not moving the body for coroner/investigation reasons, though they did in this case at which point why not put them in a bathroom and guard It you have extras) use any surplus steward seats or those staff seats in the cockpit for employees.

Just basic decency in the event of an extreme circumstance.

[–] Allonzee 36 points 4 days ago

Republican women: dehumanizing themselves to pwn the libs since Reagan.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Allonzee to c/politicalmemes

I phone banked on two Sanders campaigns. This didn't start with Trump or even in most of our lifetimes. Both parties, and yes most voters of both of them, would rather set the country on fire than have anything resembling economic equity or someone having their basic needs met without a subjective judgement of "deserving" it. We could have ended homelessness inexpensively at any time under any administration, we could have made prison rehabilitative, it would have literally saved the country money to invest in both, yet I've heard more Democrats and Republicans speak of such desperate populations as the problem instead of the society that put them there.

This collapse was a choice we made over and over again.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Allonzee to c/politicalmemes

...To better reflect how much my country values education and commerce.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Allonzee to c/politicalmemes

Money can't buy happiness, but Elon sure did buy a lot of hair plugs.


Turns out, when the elite of society works against their own people to enrich themselves, the (rational) people realize they owe you neither trust or allegiance. Can't have it both ways.

Nothing wrong with a little competition, amirite?


Sociopath greedy fucks fucked by their own sociopathic greed pushing tech explicitly hyped to cause mass unemployment. You first, finance bros! Welcome to the "capitalist efficiency" games you were so fond of running 🤣

Turns out you made a career out of felating oligarch dick, expecting romance, but they'd rather keep your class traitor salary and kick you to the curb. Guess you chose to keep poor company.


In light of Vivek's comments that Americans don't pursue excellence, pursue excellence at reducing GDP through workplace laziness and negligence(that causes loss, not injury), anticonsumerism, and reminding others that products/services used to be better so why bother buying them new now?

"won't that effect my quality of life?"

They've been steadily reducing your quality of life, forcing 2 incomes for survival, and are literally conning and murdering you through health insurance and food safety abandonment.

Make Greed Contemptible Again.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Allonzee to c/[email protected]

Or they'll blame you for roping them into this exploitative shitshow with a side of climate apocalypse, and they'll be correct.


And no, the 6.134258 shares of Apple in your 401K don't make you an owner, lol.


At least for a few months, if we fail to turn the moment into a movement and they do it anyway.

But for today, fewer patients will be billed life ruining sums after supposedly approved life saving surgery they were entitled to. Nothing can take that away from him. He made a difference.


All I've been able to find are cherry picked words and sentences the police tell the press in both's attempts to spin it for their narratives.

Is it foolish to hope the public will get to read it in its relative entirety (a word or a name redacted is understandable, not entire paragraphs) in less than years or decades?

Legal process is a blindspot for me, I don't know what they're able to have as evidence that they can also keep from the public eye if they wish.

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