
joined 11 months ago
[–] AlexCory21 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

IMO, I still think there's not enough infrastructure to support charging EVs. Don't get me wrong I've seen some. Just... Not a lot. Until charging is as prevalent as gas its just not worth it. Or if you have a house I guess.

In some areas I hear it's good. But in my area there's only 1 set of charging stations at a Wawa that I know of. And that Wawa is an hour drive away. Plus I'm at a rental complex that mows the lawns regularly and having a cable run from my house to the car is not allowed.

My current gas operated vehicle has about 160000 miles on it. I'm hopeful that my vehicle will last a long time. And then when my vehicle dies, I'll look at the infrastructure again and see if it's beneficial for me to switch to an EV. I'm going to continue to wait until it's beneficial for me to buy a new car.

We'll see how it goes.

[–] AlexCory21 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

OK so, this is a really weird way to read it and doesn't make any sense. But i think i got it. IMO makes the most sense. Start from the bottom kinda.

"Who comes to this country decides who comes."

And the "Who" that is sideways is probably a logo. For whatever they're trying to push or advertise. And not actually apart of the phrase.

[–] AlexCory21 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I have a few retro devices.

  • Pistation (basically a mini playstation 1: I modded the case with a exacto knife in order to fit a "Indiedroid Nova" in it)
  • SF2000 (SNES Controller with a screen, only plays older games though. Like before n64.)
  • GPi case. (A game boy with a cartridge slot. Supports Raspberry pi zero. I also have a cartridge that supports the RPi 4 compute module although idk if you can still get it.)
  • Modded PSP
  • Modded 3ds XL
  • Samsung Galaxy S24+ ( I might buy a Gamesir X2 Wireless controller for it. )

Those are ones I have off the top of my head. I don't remember if I have other ones.

[–] AlexCory21 1 points 3 weeks ago

I don't remember playing the math game. Maybe I did idk. But I remember playing like a matching game like Othello maybe or was it like tic tac toe I don't remember.

And I also watched alot of NOVA space related videos and content. I like space. :-)

[–] AlexCory21 9 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

My family had the Prodigy internet service when I was a kid.

Obligatory modem noises:

dooodooodoodododoo....dooodooo...doooo.dooo.dooodooodooo EEEEHHHHRRRRHHHHHEHEEHHHARRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE....

[–] AlexCory21 25 points 1 month ago

Storage. SanDisk recently announced an 8TB SD card. I remember back when all I had was 1.44MB floppy disks in like the 90s.

[–] AlexCory21 2 points 1 month ago

Every Saturday I've been going to my local game store and playing various card and/or board games.

A lot of the time we play Magic the Gathering. Sometimes we play Dungeons and Dragons.

But I also have a whole backpack of a bunch of other games I bring for variety sake.

Just recently I finally got my physical copy of "Fools Blade". It's a new card game where players collect sword parts and craft their own swords to go adventuring (both PvE and PvP). I'm super stoked to play it.

[–] AlexCory21 2 points 1 month ago

Master Chief vs Leonidas was my favorite lol.

[–] AlexCory21 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Toonami in general

[–] AlexCory21 1 points 2 months ago

I'm 38 and play a variety of video games. Currently alot of WoW on my private server. But I might be dropping WoW for awhile in favor of focusing on the new Path of Exile league.

[–] AlexCory21 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

That's because of circumstances beyond the average voters control where the majority of people inevitably votes between 2 parties and a vote for independent gets essentially "counted" but "thrown away" because the pool is less than the other 2 main parties.

In our current voting system "first past the post", It inevitably leads to a 2 party system regardless of if other parties exist.

This video is one of my favorites that explain this problem.

The only way I see that we can maybe break past this is to band together and convince more than half of one of the major parties to vote independent. It's possible perhaps, but highly unlikely. ( the video kinda covers this as well. )

Or maybe convince the voter base to change voting systems. I personally like the sound of "ranked choice" voting. Granted it doesn't fix everything but it would be alot better than what we have now. And it might give independents a higher chance of possibly winning.

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