Could you elaborate? I do not understand what you mean. Is it because they are referring to the abrahamic religions as simply abrahamic?
The entire situation is fubar. I feel for the citizens of both Israel and Palestine as both countries are just horrible to each other. To me it feels like there is no good side, whatever you choose, you end up with one form of evil x.x
I wish there would be a good way to solve this but I am not sure that this will be fixed any time soon. Hopefully the bloodshed will be minimal, because hoping for none at all would be futile
Ich kann gebackene Maronen sehr empfehlen, die sind sehr gut als Knabberkram. Wenn mehr Zeit vorhanden ist, kann man auch sich mit Vermicelle Marron, bzw. Mont Blanc auseinander setzten. Das ist ein Cremeartiges Desserts.
Sonst habe ich leider nicht viel Erfahrung damit
For me, it depends. 1700 Hours is definitely weird and military in my experience. But 17:00 isn't. The difference is how you write and say it. The first reads as 17 hundred hours, while the other is 17 o'clock.
IMO, it's often not even "war bad" but "fighting bad". Thus wanting the defender not to defend because that would be just as bad as attacking.
I consider myself a pacifist, so I prefer peaceful and diplomatic ways before going to war. But if you are attacked, you have the right, if not the duty, to defend yourself and your citizens.
Edit: changed citizen to cititens
You seem to have misinterpreted what I was calculating.
The 0.5 is the gender of the user, which is important to calculate whether a user gets their own gender as a driver or not.
It's probably due to the saturation of how many male drivers Lyft has. It reports that only 23% are female. While it doesn't say how many non-binary drivers there are, I doubt they make up more than a few percent. That puts men at ~75% driver share. So the chance of a a female rider, which according to Lyft are about half of their riders, being paired with is vastly smaller than a male rider getting a man.
0.5*0.75=0.375 chance for a man to get a male driver.
0.5*0.23=0.115 chance for a women to get a female driver.
While yes, you can abuse the system, you have to make a more conscious effort about being a "slimeball". This isn't necessarily a feature to prevent SH and SA, but more to make drivers and riders more comfortable.
Oh, and about the amount of code: it would be less code, as you do not need to filter and can just start a match-search.
To me, it feels like something I'd call Cassettepunk. Basically the point in time where computers were using magnetic tapes and floppies, but extended into the future. The tech doesn't really get any better in terms of detail, but it gets more screens, which mostly are CRT
There was the idea of bringing the revolution to others. While mostly after Stalin, the USSR heavily engaged in combat to exert its influence. The Korean and Vietnamese Civil Wars were proxy wars in which both the US and the USSR were engaged in. Then there was the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, too.
Their propaganda has a lot of hints of glorifying the military, sacrifice and fanaticism.
I think the only thing the USSR didn't do when it comes to that fascism checklist is "returning to the good old days". Other than that, Soviets fetishized the military and used scapegoats, too.
For the scapegoats it was most often the capitalists. The propaganda they used is very similar to Nazi and Imperial Japanese propaganda.
The USSR's political structure was more fascist and totalitarian than authoritarian.
Don't have the Fold but the Flip 3. I'd say it is pretty much as resistant as any other phone I had. If not more so because the main screen in protected when folded
I don't understand what you mean, would you elaborate?