Do you have a separate volume control for music and other audio while paired to Bluetooth? I had that happen to me with my Sena a while ago
Oh my god, I work at a motorcycle dealership and even I hardly see tires come in looking this over worn. Even the guys who do burnouts in the back usually let off once they get down to the strip
On the Shore - the music that plays in corsair cove. It's perfect for a group of sailors that feel like all hope is lost.
It's a little bit of both. There are thousands of different ways to train your skills, but once you reach mid-late game (a few hundred hours most likely) then you'll have a lot of long grinds ahead of you. Not to take away from the game, I love osrs. You can also always switch between what you want to do whenever you want.
Jhoira of the Ghitu can suspend at instant speed, no matter if that spell would normally be castable/suspendable at instant speed.
Also, a lot of our recipes/cookbooks/ovens come from the states!
I guess that's why they call them earwigs
Gen1 is VERY dated. Fr/Lg are on gameboy advance
I definitely recommend playing Fire Red and/or Leaf Green for a gen 1 remake. They have a lot of QoL improvements and are essentially the same game, without all the bugs etc.
Do you have any lights on the dash indicating it has any power at all? It's strange to suddenly lose all power, usually the bike will run poorly for a bit, or the lights/dash will dim, or the bike will still attempt to spin the starter with a battery issue.
If you have no power at all, I'd be checking the battery itself and the leads from it first. It's very strange for the battery to just die outright, so it's likely a lost terminal lead or something similar.
Definitely downloading this tonight lol. Brood Wars was my whole teenage existence