My thoughts exactly. The acoustics are amazing and the rent is free.
We're building a wall and Germany is going to pay for it!
I wish I had some kind of historical proof to show Russian control of half of Germany would not, infact, improve quality of life and make people happier.
Anyway I must go back to my hobby of reading the newspapers in order starting from the 1900s. I'm currently at August 12th, 1961.
So empty is this void where complaints should be... It might just be perfect to practice my new hobby.
Yodelay yodelay
Eehoo ehoo
Yodelay yode- ehoo ay eehoo
Oh yodelay ehhooo yodelah ehhoo*
Ah eehoo
Marvelous. The acoustics of this void are perfect. I'm going to be here a while. You can stay if you want but don't be critical. I'm still learning and practicing.
I think you misunderstood my joke. I'm not pro rich people I promise you.
That'll do, good sir. May your rest be peaceful.
And the people did covetith the land of the green. And so they therefore did proclaim that they it should be givith unto them.
But see that the people who coveted were henceforth shamed for their desires. For what they desired was not theirs to desire.
I remember how frustrated my mother got when the school told her I needed to be in remedial reading. My parents were both teachers so she thought "I got this"
She told me to read a book and she'd ask me some questions about it. I couldn't answer a single one.
So she had me read the book out loud to her. I did. Still couldn't answer a single question. Blew her mind that I could read a book out loud and not even be paying attention to it. That's when they got me diagnosed with ADHD.
Every doctor I've been to since hasn't even needed me to tell them. They notice on their own.
I'm not arguing that Elon musk is anything but an absolute tool.
SS numbers have 999 million options. Are we already repeating them?
Then an engineer will automize it
That kind of stuff annoys me because they don't recognize their behavior is entirely based on politics not health.
Like there are some religions that don't allow some medical treatment... I don't like that but I understand it. "I might die but if I do this treatment I might go to hell for all eternity... So I chose death"
This is different. This is "I believe the covid shot and/or vaccinations have negative health effects... So I chose death to avoid the risk... Of negative health effects"
You clearly aren't worried about the health concerns. You're just being an idiot.
Not op but I'm interested. Do I just call a hot air balloon company and ask if they are hiring?
It is deeper than "never a loser"
I've always tried to admit I was wrong as soon as I realized it. Admitting your wrong gets you massive amounts of respect in life. Honestly I'd say admitting a mistake gets you more respect than actually being right in the first place.
It might be a little late in the game for trump supporters to get "more respect" than never going with trump at all... I'm just speaking in general. People respond very very well to "I messed up, I know that now"
Edit: in the professional world I've many times taken blame for mistakes I didn't even do. When the boss is waiting for the culprit to stand up and no one is "sorry that was me, I just thought yada yada yada" the boss respects you more and the person you took the bullet for is now your best ally.
Edit 2: on the evil side of that. If you fuck up bad enough you don't want to get caught you have that gaslight in your pocket "I've always come clean when it was me. I've always taken my lumps for my mistakes. i would tell you if it were me. You know that"