there are some PLA derivatives designed to compost quickly, PLA itself will probably compost faster than most other plastics, not that that's a very high bar
yeah, it is exactly what's happened with plastics since they became a thing
its probably not a filament, just like a vat of goop like you see in the concrete and chocolate printers
I would say arch is more of the buzz lightyear shelf meme, you think you're being unique and cool but really its probably the most popular enthusiast distro
I checked the list of 370k english words I downloaded from github a while ago and yeah, its true other than the variants of homeowner (homeowners, homeownership)
I was looking at some other random words, heres some I found:
- self: weaselfish, damselfish
- eye: greyer, honeyed, journeyed, etc
- bear: beard
this got me interested so I wrote a program to find each time a small word bridges the gap between two larger words in a compound word, honestly the funnier part of its outputs is the weird 'compound words' its finding, like "asp: aspirating: as, pirating" or "at: deepseated: deepsea, ted" (ted, apparently, meaning 'to scatter hay for drying'). Occasionally it finds good ones, like "ices: apprenticeship: apprentice, ship" or "hen: archenemy: arch, enemy", and it did find the meow one. It does allow the small word to contain the first word in a compound word, because that can still give some interesting ones like "warp: warplanes: war, planes". It probably would have been a lot better if I had actually used a list of compound words, it tries to find its own very slowly which does allow it to find any possible combination for any word
anyways, here's the list
I don't think standing by and letting people get scammed is the right move either
Most solar panels are ~20% efficient. So (100-20)/1000=0.08%, 100-0.08=99.92% efficient (1000x less energy loss) (you could do it the other way, but that would make less sense)
Some pride in your country is definitely good, but its equally important (if not more) to notice things that could be improved and examples of other places that do things differently.
me when I don't have proper fallback fonts installed:
lol boeing gets like half of their money from the government, I don't see the government suing them anytime soon
Oh no, I'm sure there won't be anyone else who would like to be CEO if they quit.
I don't think red hat is even on the list, so the fact that they're making even bigger bucks doesn't really matter.