joined 3 years ago

I know that a good majority of reddits' Alt-Right Subs are now gone, but i feel there are plenty of communities out there that have still yet to receive the Ban-Hammer, Here is the list so far;


  • /r/FemaleDatingStrategy
  • /r/PinkPillFeminism
  • /r/askpinkpillers

Extreme misogyny:

  • /r/MGTOW
  • /r/TheRedPill
  • /r/Muslimredpill
  • /r/againstwomensrights
  • /r/Asktrp
  • /r/bonecels
  • /r/shortcells
  • /r/Dogbrains
  • /r/memegender
  • /r/Pus5yPassDenied
  • /r/Pus5yPass
  • /r/MensRights
  • /r/Blackpillfeminism
  • /r/whereareallthegoodmen
  • /r/ProMaleCollective
  • /r/shortsell
  • /r/femlnazis
  • /r/AntiFeminismProject
  • /r/Kotakuinaction
  • /r/Kotakuinaction2
  • /r/TumblrInAction
  • /r/SocialJusticeInAction

Miscellaneous Ultra-nationalism:

  • /r/AznIdentity
  • /r/Bakchodi
  • /r/EasternSunRising


  • /r/4chan
  • /r/ActualPublicFreakouts
  • /r/DarkEnlightenment
  • /r/conspiracy
  • /r/The_Congress
  • /r/StupidPol
  • /r/AverageRedditor
  • /r/Doomer
  • /r/MetaCanada
  • /r/BadUnitedKingdom
  • /r/Tucker_Carlson
  • /r/AltUnitedKingdom
  • /r/Politicalcompassmemes

Religious extremism:

  • /r/Catholicism
  • /r/TrueChristian
  • /r/Prolife


  • /r/Anarcho_Capitalism
  • /r/FragileCommunism
  • /r/GoldandBlack
  • /r/ShitStatistsSay

Free Speech Absolutists:

  • /r/WatchRedditDie
  • /r/SubredditCancer
  • /r/Reclassified

Obviously, since this list is a bit old, I don't think this list will be entirely accurate as to which communities are already banned. Also, the chances of some of these communities getting touched by the Admins can differ from Possibly to Near Impossible.

Anyway, are there any more shithole spaces yet to be touched by the Admins?

  1. Anatomy of Fascism, Robert Paxton.
  2. Ur-Fascism, Umberto Eco.
  3. Blackshirts and Reds, Michael Parenti.
  4. Fascism: what it is and how to fight it, Trotsky. (and explaining the terminology used, by Engels)
  5. Refuting Holocaust Denial
  6. Learn the symbols.
  7. Debating Fascists: what to know before you do it
  8. The Alt-Right Playbook. Learn their tactics and how to deal with fascists!
  9. Anti-Semite and the Jew, Sartre.
  10. Anti-fascist handbook, Mark Bray.

Will update if you have recommendations (please with link if possible).

You don't have to read/watch all of it (though it's good to be educated and curious), but if you're antifascist and want to be active, you need to learn about fascism and especially their tactics and symbols.

Cum (
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