A common thing I see is people running these part-15 (in the US) devices with upgraded antenna systems, which isn’t permitted. Either run it under amateur rules or under part 15.
Have you tried a 1/4 wave vertical with 4 radials sloping towards the ground? (all wire)? or even a vertical dipole fed halfway up? J-poles show significant coupling to their feedline and mounting arrangements and, as you discovered, are taller than they need to be for their gain.
the S&P has averaged 10-12% return per year for over 60 years. So that, in itself, is not an indication of impending doom.
yes, it looks at a fine-grained clock, usually a cycle counter provided by the CPU for this purpose, to aggregate total on-cpu time for each process.
I think a lot of modern kernels are “tickless” - they don’t use a timeslice timer, and only context switch on IO interrupt, process yield, or when timeouts are specifically requested (including capping cpu-bound processes). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tickless_kernel
I think they limit your total ammo inventory in some Nordic country. You have to bring back casings to buy more ammo - solves two problems.
Probably dedicated vector/tensor coprocessors these days - which don’t have to work with your monitor layout or desktop setup!
Surely you mean 0.0999999931082% ?
Now I think my client (Memmy) is wonky too, because it can’t follow any of these links! Will try the web UI.
Ah, I read the requestor as wanting to disallow body text.
yeah, “the west” is going to invade 🙄