Fart? Yes, I like this name fart.
Her misstep is that she should have just started talking anyway. As silly as it seems there are people that would respect that more than her keeping quiet while a man talks - in some weird republican domination fantasy. Those that would be upset aren't her base anyway.
And for chrissakes will someone fix these damn roads already?!?
Yea, his base will follow him to McDonalds and back, no question. They love their Hamberdeler.
Good point. Wet crepe paper?
You all are missing the point. It has nothing to do with actually wanting to date/impregnate her. He is so insanely jealous of her and the fact she doesn't have to be a complete edgy tool or buy a whole platform to make people listen to her like he does. It's about taking all of her accomplishments, her fame, her fortune, her following, her talent and negating it by debasing her into nothing but a womb that would jump at the chance to have that human cheesecloth on top of her.
Doing just what the Nazis did to the Weimar Republic.
Libertarians are just people who think they shouldn't have to pay taxes believe they deserve everything taxes pay for by virtue of their inflated self-worth
He thought he could take her because everyone around him always tells him what a good smart special big boy he is and they let him win at everything. As we all saw, his temper tantrums when he loses are something special.
At least he now knows which one he wants to go to and has said it out loud.
First post didn't appear for me and I couldn't find it in post history so I posted again but forgot the number. Thanks for keeping me honest, m8.
It doesn't even look like her.