"Strange, the evil twin is always on the left..."
All 10s.
Center brunette in the front
123 Fake Street
For many people it's easier to not care... they don't want to bother with long term consequences of their behaviors.
I simply ask them if they would be OK with a company taking money out their bank account.
Your data is valuable. Why give it away for free?
The big problem is we all think someone else will solve this issue. All the investigations, congress, and even the public... they did nothing.
Run for office. Start small. Kick them out of the school boards follow their playbook and work bottom up.
Agreed. No contest.
I am looking forward to playing FFIV: The After Years. Heard so many bad things but worth a try if part of apple arcade.
Final fantasy iv flashbacks...
Can't wait for the Mars shuttle recall...