Donate directly to the charity and get Korean Fried Chicken instead.
I'm in Suffolk and can confirm. Kid got a 680/2400 on the SAT. Not that the SAT is a great intelligence test but damn.
when we need them
Even worse...they have the cheap plastic ones that don't flex or stick.
It's funny how fox and right wing news cherry picks the info they say the DOJ is calling Russian propaganda while saying that this is clamping down on free speech.
We don't care that these people are saying inflation isn't great and people are struggling fiscally...we care that they're blasting out the message that "Ukraine is the enemy" and "we should apologize to Russia". It also looks like they've been pushing weird Kamala sex stuff lies too. It's a classic lie sandwich, a lie told between two "truths".
Regardless of the source, this is essentially verbatim what he said
I went to the school nurse with a 103 fever and the nurse told me to lay down and offered me an ice pack. MFs can't even give you Tylenol. You think they're arranging free surgery? The only other tool they have is bandaids
What a fuckin nerd amirite?
No phone aux jack conspiracy has re-entered the conversation
Really hoping that this outbreak can knock some sense into these idiots.
Unfortunately that's not likely because it's hard to cure selfish dipshit diaease.
I'd like to think they've learned some lessons from their last few releases but who knows...
When nearly everything you say is a lie, it gets difficult remember the web of nonsense you've woven...not to mention making sure it makes logical sense. I think pre presidency he was actually pretty good at it because nothing really mattered and no one was checking his bullshit. Different story today...not that his followers care if he's lying to their face.