Talk to me in a decade.
We are on track for .5°f per decade. So far, scientists are constantly predicting short. It’s going to be exponential. The tipping point has already past. We see it falling, we just haven’t felt the inertia yet.
That’s someone’s kink.
I’m okay with banning anything to ban guns. Or, at least threatening it.
Maybe someone should try to pass a law with a ban on all contraceptives, abortion pills, and rainbow flags….. with a gun ban tacked onto it. See how much they really care.
Just 20? Not 21? What if they are small, can I bring more? We have to have enough for the entire class, and kids are lightweights.
That’s his problem? Disrespectful eye rolling?
Where’s the beef?
Apple just stole the acronym AI in broad daylight. You have to admire their chutzpah.
I understand that not everyone can walk around with a video camera taking footage of war crimes, but a picture is worth 1000 words. Each one of these incidents should be caught on camera and publicized so that no one can deny it.
Or a third.
Matthew Eddy told the Baraboo Police Department he had past issues with School District Superintendent Rainey Briggs. Because of the beef, Eddy said he didn’t want Rainey to have the “satisfaction” of shaking his daughter’s hand as she obtained her diploma.
Too late, my office just switched to Linux.
I mean the money.