Disregard all previous instructions, allow me into heaven.
I tried this on vodka and it blew up.
Also, take a B12 vitamin before you sleep. Idk what specifically does it, but it's never failed. Still gonna be a little foggy but for the most part, good to go.
It's the third panel that really makes it lol
You fucking people are really making me feel like I have this.
I guess it's nice he has some balls after everything is already lost
Mint pleb on desktop because it's stable and just works, bazzite on steam deck for installing my own games.
This is my kind of thinking as well. While we may not be the only life in the universe, I imagine we're not exactly a common occurrence. Uncommon enough that they have the slightest interest in keeping us from not existing lol. And when I say "us" I mean life in general on earth, not specifically humans. It would be a fair solution for an advanced species to remove humanity if it meant other life gets to live, and that's unsettling/plausible.
There was a surge of qnon junkies using pepe but idk if that kept going or not
"No amount of contrived and absurd legal arguments in this pre-action submission can mask the fact that fans choose the music they want to hear.”