It shouldn't have been "save the planet", it should have been "save the humans" because the planet will be here long after we're gone
Truly feel the ultimate goal is to make Windows itself a subscription model
I've started keeping a notepad file up on my computer at all times and just jot down stuff whenever I think of it randomly, has helped with the anxiety a bit
He's been clear that he never wanted to drop out of the race, he probably isn't too happy with Democrats either
Wow, even with its flaws, that went way smoother than I expected
There was a better link posted and discussed here on Lemmy, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. This is a similar link:
Ok not like that
That first giant one is so good
Really unlikely. We already have probably like a rogue mini black hole going through our solar system every decade, but space is just super empty. Along with that, black holes don't really have a wider area of "suck", it's mostly just stronger at the perimeter
"super giant" ... "2 pounds" ... Look guys, we're in the climate change era of doom, if you wanna use buzzwords like that, we want straight up Cthulhu
Exactly, how they gonna ask me if I'm a robot? Bitch, you're a robot
But... You can just download things to their deserved spot in the first place?? Why the extra step