Cats are real, fax
The 4070 fits in a lot of ITX cases. And with a water loop the PCB fits anywhere since it's so tiny.
Not OP but that's my advice too.
You can use a couple already in the nightly builds of both firefox and the respective add-on
This is a good idea.
Grey you fucking lovable bastard. I hope humanity one day recognizes your hard efforts of teaching us the ways of the bestagon.
Not all Palestine fighters are associated with terrorist groups. They are regular people like you and me literally fighting for their lives.
I hope the EU can one day sue the fuck out of Meta, Alphabet, Microsoft & Amazon to the point that they go bankrupt and no other company dares to take the same path.
I also would like to ride a unicorn underwater.
Fuck me sideways with a cactus. Wtf are these designations? Burgers?
But avoid Ticketmaster.
I was just camping last week and we had instant ramen for breakfast. It's not that hard to find it tbh.