I'm vegan, and I hope lab grown gets so cheap for people like you that just want to taste some meat without the suffering. I may want to tray it form time to time, I'm not even half done exploring the recipes of the world.
Hahaha fuck you, nice one. But fuck you because you are so much clever than me.
Still, the most climate friendly meat are vegan alternatives.
Toxic masculinity permeates all abilities and disabilities equally.
I'm definitely stealing that wallpaper to recreate it on 3D
Those blade skates can kill a couple dozen people before they dull out. I'd say 69.
My bad, added a link.
Just give me functionality and minimalistic GTK4/Qt6 designs and I'm done.
Fluent is alright, but not madly in love with it.
You hugely underestimate the social ubiquity and uncapped potential of the name Cortana.
Not gonna lie you had me in the first half.
Yeah, it bothers me too.