What a remarkable bolt! Can it come and do my place when it's finished?
The 'war' has been raging since 2019.
The split is happening now, with BRICS countries putting off proprietary technologies.
Emerging Economies will follow suit, since China is a huge producer of cheap electronics.
The EU has been talking about digital sovereignty, and putting funding towards RISC-V development. That will lead to the adoption of open source software (+ cloud).
So whilst there will be a split, there will follow convergence.
I use OnionShare purely because I like to be fully in control of my stuff, and aware of the resources I'm consuming... I trust that it's secure and private, though I'm not doing anything illegal.
For comms, I like to use Tox, though I don't think there's an iOS app, which limits things somewhat.
I like the look of the Lichee Pi... I think it would be sufficient for my needs, really.
The TH1520 does seem to need a fan though, and also a hefty charger (which I was quite surprised about).
It was just his, simple test... No official benchmarking.
Did you see Christopher Barnatt's latest video? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Na6PT4npsMg&pp=ygUTZXhwbGFpbmluZ2NvbXB1dGVycw%3D%3D
A week just using RISC-V. He did a simple test with the Lichee Pi (which has the same SoC as this Milk-V board) against the RPi 4... The Sipeed board was noticeably quicker.
... so not much has changed in a hundred years then.
Looks like it. They might not be very tasty though... I'd try one before you put too much effort into anything!
RISC-V designs are still 3 or 4 years off the pace, but closing fast.
The leap ought to come when the extensions that were ratified at the end of 2021 are realised... 2025/2026.
It would mean the diminishing of market share of proprietary US software and hardware.
Linux and *BSD run on RISC-V. RISC-V devices will be shipped with an open source OS and apps. Android users won't even notice / care about what chip is inside their tech.
And it puts app lock-in to the test.
The Dish