
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago

Silly tankie, it's only a war crime when people do it that we, western liberals, don't like. Silly tankie.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

"We won't have to worry about being racist if we just killed all the other races."

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (4 children)

"Genocide is good when it's carried out by the people we like, stupid tankies."

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

Israel amasses 100,000 ~~troops~~ cowards


[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Sir, please stand against the wall with the rest.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 year ago

Yes. Next question please.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

There's also a difference in HOW certain groups support the government. The more modern/city dwelling populace, especially the younger generations, is more of a "general support overall" but they go into the finer details more about which representatives and policies they like and dislike, etc. Whereas the more rural, poorer, and older peoples tend to have a much stronger feeling of support for the communists and less of a breakdown of the finer details.

At least this is what I have heard from interviews with people that travel the area. The Proles of the Round Table podcast have a few good episodes on this.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

To quote other commenters in another thread.

What does it mean to be a “civilian” when the violence against Palestine is settler-colonial ethnic cleansing?

I do not advocate for the actual assault of children, but the “civilians” in the settlements are the perpetrators of decades long genocide. People who not only do not care that countless Palestinians, children included, have been murdered, but actually support it. It is not a meaningful distinction in this type of conflict.

They put themselves there because they are ideologically committed to ethnically cleansing the land of Palestinians and taking it for themselves. They are thieves and murderers and actions against them by Palestinian forces is self defence.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Counterpoint, there is no such thing as civilian Israelis. They are all criminal settlers occupying stolen land and condoning genocide against the people they have stolen from.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Usually for me it's if they don't point at me and make a loud screeching sound when I mention unions are good and maybe socialist countries aren't as bad as the US media makes them out to be.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Almost like they are all astroturfed by the same 3 letter agencies.

Cope (lemmygrad.ml)



I know we had an emoji thread a while back and made some from that. Wasn't sure if we had made a specific com for that or a new thread. Seen some people asking for more options so if we don't have another thread open I was going to suggest either a com or maybe just a periodic emoji suggestion thread?


I am unable to stop laughing. Send help.



Not so much workout related but still health related in a way. lol

The fiber in beans is already good for regulation blood sugar and digestion. Fermenting them would seem to be adding to this impact by greatly reducing the carb load and further increasing the fiber content. Not to mention the fact fermented beans won't give you gas because those compounds get fermented out as well. Also an 8% increase in protein value is nice to boot. Downside is a loss of some vitamin content but I'll take that trade off.

I'm interested in how it would impact something you can make tofu out of like soy or garbanzo beans. I actually have some garbanzo beans fermenting so I plan to try it out. I made a tofu out of regular rehydrated garbanzo beans by blending them up into a paste. Straining out the liquid which I cooked down. I steamed the solids to cook them then added them back into the liquid once it was thickened. Made a paste that was like mashed potatoes and glue. lol. Once cooled in the fridge though it made a pretty firm and cuttable tofu that had more texture than a normal tofu. Going to try the same technique but with the fermented beans instead and see what happens. lol


Hi everyone, not sure where to ask this but has anyone else had issues with minimizing comment chains in posts since the last update?

I will minimize a comment chain I have read through, and if I then upvote any other comment in the thread it expands every comment I had previously minimized. Doesn't do anything if I downvotes though. Has anyone else had a similar experience? It's kind of annoying. I like to minimize chains I have read through to make navigating the comments easier as I read through everything.

I use mobile only and have had the same issue on chrome and Firefox.


I want to preface this by saying I know food coms can be a source of strife within a community due to differing opinions on diet and ethics. If we decide it too much of a pain to try something like this then so be it. I have hope we could work things out to reasonably accommodate everyone.

Firstly want to know how many ppl would be interested in that sort of thing? I feel it should be VERY broad in what it covers. Cooking, diet, food pics, news and other information, fermentations, brewing, canning, preserving, etc etc. If it concerns food in some way, then it's valid.

Next thing would be moderation. I like the idea of having the com but I personally don't have a lot of ability to own it. I could maybe help moderate it but I've never modersted stuff before and don't have the confidence to go at it alone. I'm also limited to mobile most of the time. As I am bringing up the idea though I won't shy away from helping and taking some responsibility.

Next would be ground rules. I think any kind of food should be welcome. I mean this as, I think it should be both vegan and non-vegan friendly. I think a few simple ground rules would be:

  1. If it contains meat then it should be blurred with the NSFW filter. Our vegan and vegetarian comrades that have an ethical reason for not consuming animal products should not be subjected to those images that may be an offense to them. Idk if this should be extended to "non meat but not vegan friendly" items as well? Like dairy and stuff?

  2. Attacking people for what they eat is not acceptable. Non-vegans will not berate vegans, vegans will not berate non-vegans. Diet discussion, counter points to articles, studies, etc, are general constructive and should be allowed but if you disagree with someone being vegan, vegetarian, or a meat consumer, then leave it as a disagreement.

These are honestly the 2 biggest ones I have seen that can cause issues. Perhaps the only other rule I think we could do is maybe a rule banning gore and to define what entails gore? I don't think many would have issue with saying we shouldn't be having disturbing/graphic content of animals.

Also a though about any recipes being required to list potential allergens up front? Not like, a hard "we will remove the post if" thing but as a general guideline to please try and if you repeatedly don't then maybe posts start getting pulled?

I'd like some community feedback on this stuff. I think it's been discussed before just never gone anywhere? Maybe if we can get stuff squared away we could get a com up and running in due time?


The setting is this guy talking about his family being work to near death like slaves to turn a land into a farmable area only to be massacred and have it all stolen. The farm just so happens to resemble an American flag.... I never noticed this till I was rewatching with a friend today. We had to pause and just say there like "holy shit."


What's up comrades, how has your week gone? Any gripes? Any boasting? Anything you wish to share?

Yes, I am aware I am a day early... but considered the times I was late I figured it was a fair trade off.

Also I wanted to show off my new, in-process, weight plates.

8x 10lbs

2x 15lbs, 30lbs, and 35lbs

Final touch ups will be done with epoxy and BBs to get the final weights more exact but they need to cure for a few weeks to a month before I go doing that.

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