I know that when you don't wholly agree with a person that unquestionably goes along with dogma regarding trans rights that it's only matter of time until the "transphobe" card comes out. It's no different to debating a Zionist about Palestine's right to exist, sooner or later you're going to be accused of being an anti-Semite.
I don't think that being concerned that children might make decisions they later regret makes me a transphobe, but if you do, you're entitled to your opinion.
I've already conceded that we're clearly not going to change eachothers minds on the issue. How long are we going to keep banging our heads on the wall?
I'd love to know what CEOs actually do all day that justifies their exorbitant wages.
They love to trot out the "we need to attract top talent" line, but what skills, knowledge and experience are they actually providing that couldn't be done by an 18 year old straight out of school?
The average CEO earns five times the average wage, we all know they aren't working five times as hard as an average worker.