I believe in science, I also practice witchcraft. Do I think anything I'm gonna make is going to help me? I mean, yeah due to legit science. But I also know when to go to a real doctor. Do I think runes and tarot cards can tell me the future? Not necessarily but I view it as more of a, it's already in my head it's just helping me spell it out type of thing.
I have no idea your age but, a lot of people dabble in witchcraft in their teens and early 20s and never come back to it. If I did my math right I've been practicing for 16 years. I've never used it as an excuse to not get mental health help, I've never used it as an excuse to not go to a doctor, and I've never forced my beliefs on others (which is more than some people in some religions can say).
I'm not saying your friend won't use religion as an excuse to not do normal things but, I think you should take some time to look at things from another perspective. It's really not much different than those who believe in an all powerful sky daddy. Not only that but, witchcraft can be secular as well.