How is this working out, OP, u/turquoise? (Not sure how to reference a user)
Request a subreddit
Request a subreddit
Make requests for new subreddits/communities here, using the name of the subreddit as the title, or with a link to the subreddit as the url.
For anything else, go to [email protected].
Requests for NSFW subs should be marked as such.
They often have nsfw thumbnails, and will show up unblurred on other servers.
Warning: Use common sense when requesting.
Comments are not copied over. So requests for explainLikeImFive
or askMidgets
are useless, since you'll never get the answers here.
Also keep in mind that each sub you request here takes resources to process forevermore. So, you know, show some restraint.
It’s pretty ok @[email protected].
It creates a community on this instance with posts from Reddit, allowing you to easily crosspost.
Only issue is if your own instance is buckling under the weight of traffic, then it can be a bit slow and cumbersome.
You also need to remember to quickly subscribe to the newly created community on this instance from your own instance because federation doesn’t pull old posts from prior to the first person on an instance subscribing to a community on another instance.