But what if everbody loves careless whisper sung by toad? Lol
(Song via piped) https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=1L8vVqbcjDo
But what if everbody loves careless whisper sung by toad? Lol
(Song via piped) https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=1L8vVqbcjDo
Do people unironically refer to playlists as mixtapes?
Why not? They fill the same niche functionally.
I just think it's odd that such a long-outdated term is still in use. Something about it being more specific than "tape" makes it more weird to me.
There are adult people alive right now who save things in software with a button that looks like a floppy disk without even knowing what it is. It will become part of normal language as just another word who's origin was forgotten. Just like we still "tape" and "film" things with digital cameras.
Some people are just old enough to remember using mix tapes.
Did it at the gym once, was watching a show while doing cardio with my headphones and could hear another guy's music over it. I just yelled without stopping what I was doing "Hey bud, no one wants to listen to your music, use headphones!" and the guy could see everyone's smirk, he got the message.
Noise cancelling earbuds solved just a whole bunch of problems for me
Get a louder speaker and play really annoying sounds (not music) way louder.
Nah mate, I've got headphones, idgaf
Don't count on me for that...our public transit sucks so hard it was almost cheaper and it's much faster for me to buy and use a car.
Thanks government for crippling all social services and public transit and healthcare in the name of privatization
I've done this before, they ignored me lol
People strap them to push bikes in the UK :/