this post was submitted on 02 Jul 2023
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founded 2 years ago

Hey'all! Sco... Wait, no. Roger here!

To keep this place both livelier and closer to its originally intended purpose, let's do a little debate club / reading club thingy.

For this, every month, or week, or two weeks depending on how it goes - we shall pick a game to talk about, or some other topic.

We'll do community suggestions and voting too of course, this is just a launch.

So the first pinned topic (close to my heart): Puppeteer, an amazing game on PS3, unlike almost anything else that exsists. Have you played it? Heard of it? Loved or hated it?

Here's a full playthrough on YouTube, and I highly recommend to look at least at the intro.



Other than that, based on some feedback (albeit mixed) and my own feel, I want to test some changes, namely:

  1. For pickups, collections, and other "look what I have/got/found" topics, there is now a single pinned thread. Lemmy makes it easy to attach an image directly (or multiple) in a comment.

So don't make individual posts for this purpose. If the mega thread fills up (I don't know what the comment limits is), we'll make a new one and link the history.

Of course you can still make a new post if you have a question or need help with your game or gear, or it's something to talk about beyond a single photo.

  1. Please refrain posting news content that's specific or exclusive to PS5 or PSVR2 and has no relation to the older consoles. Theres a rich PS5 community at [email protected] which I'm sure all PS5 owners already follow anyway, so it's unnecessary to duplicate content.

I believe It's important for people who only have the older consoles to feel like they can post or talk without being drowned in PS5 posts. As you can imagine, PS5 gets a lot more new stuff and attention compared to PS2 or PSP, so those can get lost easily.

If you don't find your answer in the PS5 community, or you just like it here more, then by all means post.

It's not a hard rule, no posts will be deleted or anything.

PSPlus posts are fine, as they are relevant to PS4 as well.

I'll update the sidebar at some point too.

Thank you!

all 9 comments
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[–] Call_Me_Maple 3 points 2 years ago

Puppeteer, interesting. I haven't heard of this one. I'll check it out! :) This bookclub thing sounds like a lot of fun.

[–] simple 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I've always wanted to play Puppeteer but never got the chance to before I have away my PS3. It always reminded me of LittleBigPlanet. Thanks for reminding me to check it out again through the emulator.

[–] WhoRoger 3 points 2 years ago

Yep, I hear it emulates well, and it's great that people can play it even if it's stuck on PS3.

It's not like LBP aside of some style choices. I believe you'll be amazed.

[–] 47_Alpha_Tango 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I’ve never heard of Puppeteer so I guess I’ve got a new game to play. I don’t suppose by any fortunate coincidence it’s streamable on PS5?

[–] 47_Alpha_Tango 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I’ve never heard of Puppeteer so I guess I’ve got a new game to play. I don’t suppose by any fortunate coincidence it’s streamable on PS5?

[–] WhoRoger 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Not that I'm aware of... But it's a 1st party Sony game, so it outta be. Check and let us know?

[–] 47_Alpha_Tango 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Turns out it is available with PS Plus Premium.

[–] WhoRoger 1 points 2 years ago

Nice. Check it out