I keep doing the same but so far have completely failed to ever stick with it long enough to make something this big. For what it's worth this absolute noob can't see any obvious mistakes, it looks really cool from here :D
All about the fiber art of tatting. Share your patterns, pictures of your projects, or ask questions and look for help.
Thanks!! Maybe now you'll be inspired to pick it back up again ๐
I think for me, the trouble was finally pushing through that sense of "this doesn't look right" to just keep going anyway. All this thrift store crochet thread is just going to waste anyway, why not right?
My problem is I do so many crafts, any that take actual practise are hard to make time for! But I do love the look of tatted doilies and suchlike, so just need to put my foot down with myself. Maybe that's a new year resolution like macrame was for 2023...๐ค
There's definitely something to be said for casting a wide net though!
Looks great! I love the colours
Thanks! Kinda earth themed right?
Looks very pretty. What do you plan to use it for?
Materials wise, I tend to just use my embroidery thread for small projects, such as rip-proof closure on tunics and the occasional decorative hatband and handkerchief corner. If you want that awful mercerised shiny cotton, other than garage sales, I most often see that in Daiso and such Japanese-style shops, perhaps try some asian grocers or similar in your area? Or you could try spinning some thread, silk hanks are available these days in many pretty colours.
Thanks! I didn't really have a particular use in mind, it's kinda just for practice since I'm a beginner.
Are there any options outside cordonnet that are sturdy and not all floppy like this crochet thread? I thought it might be kinda fun to try Ito Gima.