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I solved the 12/01/2023 New York Times Mini Crossword in 0:28!
On my phone. :-p
That's impressive
0:24 for me
0:49, no no no, I refuse to start doing them on a computer so I can compete with LCP. Happy 5 hours of daylight if we are lucky-month.
You gotta do it. You gotta take the laptop to the toilet! Hehe.
Yeah the short days suck. I want more sun.
1.02. Would've been under a minute had I not put RWB for 8a (shit clue though). Love the hidden message
0:25. Could've been faster - still getting adjusted to my new keyboard.
Happy first day of the month. We're in the final stretch of 2023.
I always enjoy themed Minis.
I solved the Friday 12/01/2023 New York Times Daily Crossword in 11:21!