this post was submitted on 30 Jun 2023
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Connect for Lemmy App

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A community for the mobile app Connect for Lemmy.


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Just for the devs sake, Phone: Asus Zenfone 9

The majority of my gripes are minor but there is one main one that gets on my nerves:

PLEASE persist the thumbnail cache on posts more consistently!

  • When I click on a photo then go back to the home screen, all the photos on the page have to seemingly reload.

  • if I'm not in list view this causes post to move around wildly, making the otherwise very good app frustrating to use.

Edit to this one: it looks like they're maybe not loading thumbs but full sized images? So maybe this is partially on lemmy because they don't serve thumbs yet? Idk. One would think that after the initial load you could serve appropriately sized thumbnails that are generated and stored in the cache.

Lesser issues that I expect will be fixed with time:

  • then swipe out menus seem a little slow and jittery

  • there is little to no outlines on posts when not in list view, this can sometimes make it hard to differentiate when one post stops and another begins.

    • this could be fixed initially with a subtle outline
    • additionally a nice to have would be theme options(but I understand that's probably not a priority right now)
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