Holy shit, when has this ever happened before? I was prepared to patiently wait another year, but now I'm excited.
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It is unusual. Release dates almost always get delayed, but this one actually got moved forward by like 8 months! Yeah, I'm excited too, I just assumed we wouldn't see it until 2025.
The delay was because of the industry strikes, and since they are over it makes sense to release now.
Oh, of course, the strike ending forced another reshuffle! I forgot about that, thank you.
Why did I think it was coming out in November?
Because it was.
Ok, glad to know I wasn’t Mandala’d
I was mandala'd, now I'm locked to the couch. Send help. And Funyuns.
Here man I got you some water, funyuns, some powerade and a few candies
You need a blanket? Want the TV on?
Thx, no tv but blanket is good 👍
But then it didn't
That was the original date, but it was delayed back in August due to the strikes in Hollywood.
Isn’t that when studios release movies that they think will tank?
At least it's not January. Probably wants it moved back up after the strike delays