I'm not autistic and I absolutely hate the heat. I hate to sweat doing barely anything, sleeping naked and still feeling overheated, and not having an aircondition at home. (Europe). Meanwhile every summer is getting hotter and hotter.
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There are places where I think homes should have AC as a standard. This has included a lot of places for quite a while, but it’s sounded the last couple years like parts of Europe are there, too.
I hate the heat, and especially sweating when I’m not specifically exercising. The other day it was 43C / 110F (Texas), and it’s miserable. 😭
summer not good for pengu. pengus aren't meant for such heat. Pengu has super severe sensory issues.
Summer with air conditioning is cool (pun intended)
Summer without air conditioning is a form of torture applied by the CIA, especially during the nights
Yeah, it got into the low 90s today here, and we have no AC. We open windows at night and use fans and cold food and drinks during the day.
Meh, hate the heat sooooooo much, love fireworks, kinda dislike Christmas (is summer in chile) and loooooove the beach, hate forest fires and the drought... but as to struggle? meh.
I like national holidays here in chile (18 of September) vacation time, many excuses to eat tasty and is in spring.
100% team winter tough.
Oh god the heat. It's hit 100 F most days of the last week here (Texas). I try not to go outside in direct sunlight at all, and not in the shade for longer than 5 minutes.
That is horrible. Take a cool drink of choice with you if you can, especially if the heat gets you.
Ugh, I know. And the ash and stuff from the Canadian wildfires isn't helping for those of us in the US whose cities are experiencing high AQI.
I pretty much sweat ALL the time (even on super cold days) so summer is the worst. And people just feel the need to randomly set off fireworks in residential neighborhoods in summer, anyway, so not only is it annoying to hear the sudden sounds without warning, it's also dangerous!
You have my sympathy. We’ve had that for several years in the American West now, and we know to expect the fires, smoke, and drought. I hope you don’t get this every year. Don’t get me started on illegal fireworks, especially in brushland.
Yeah, the heats been pretty bad in the UK this year, with more heat on the way.
I feel you with the social expectation and noise. We have Bonfire Night which I just firework hell, for days. Then people just randomly set them off all the way through to Christmas and then it's worse at new year. Then another month of random fireworks.
I just don't take part in those kinds of things. Most of my friends and family understand and don't even bring it up to me, and those who do are only asking because they want to spend time with me.
And yes, fuck summer heat. Once it hits 25 Celsius I stay inside. I miss winter.
It's the daylight I struggle with most. I don't know why but I can't sleep until the sun has been down a couple hours and then I usually wake up at first light. According to my mom I didn't even nap as a baby.
My room is mostly blacked out but when I wake up at night if I can't tell how bright it is outside I assume I over slept and get a jolt of adrenaline.
I look forward to being able to sleep more than 6 hours again. I look forward to being awake enough to cope with people.
Really? Honestly, the bright sunlight makes me feel tired, but maybe that's just me. It's a struggle regardless.
I'm plenty tired ;)
Me too. Also, AC + fan make constant continuous noise, but they're basically required for me to even begin to feel comfortable. I've mostly gotten used to the noise, but when I'm already overloaded, it's not a nice thing.
@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S @T0rrent01
Me three! I can handle the sound of AC just fine, but wind is actually a sensory trigger for me (both the sound and the feel) so I only turn fans on if it's really REALLY hot and there's no other way to cool down. And even then I usually leave them on the lowest setting.
I used to have a giant cat who would meow so loudly that it hurt my ears. I also get very tired of background noise. I figured out that I could wear ear muffs (like the kind for construction/shooting ranges) and it blocks out steady noise and makes momentary loud sounds into “oh, there’s this sound” vs something painful or distracting. Also I get amazing, deeper sleep when I wear them. Awesome for noisy roommates/family and hotels.
Ugh, I'm helping a friend move and I am just covered in sweat. It's muggy and sticky and I am so over it. It feels like I'm trying to breath in syrup.
I'm not a fan of either extreme, absolutely love Spring & Autumn. I wouldn't say that Summer is a struggle for me, but I definitely see how it can be a slog for some people.
I never understood the fascination with the beach, though...it's where dirt meets water. [insert "WTF!?" face]
I have a bath-tub & an imagination, I'm good...
Through my public meltdowns in years past, my friends & family have learned to accommodate my people-ing issues, but yeah, that learning curve was rough.
I love every season but summer, but autumn is my favorite for coffee and all things apple.
[edit to add: Summer is very draining for both of us. I don’t have angry meltdowns, but I just break into a tired ball of roastedness and it being hard to think right. My mother just sleeps a lot and roasts. Heavens forbid we don’t drink enough.]
I'm living in a European country and the local biggest town decided to replace the tradition firework by a light show. It's one of the best decision they took (with the reducing of car traffic).
It's July 4th today so I can relate a lot. It's pretty shameful how individualistic and inconsiderate our culture can be.
Yep, there's a reason my parents only ever took me to a single firework show when I was growing up
I was too young to remember it now, but apparently I had a meltdown of some sort
Adding onto this, for me specifically it means I’m away from friends and home with my insane parents who take pleasure in overstimulating me.