My security is simply not keeping anything important on my computer/phone so if anything goes wrong, it ain't no thing to just wipe the drives and start over from scratch.
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15+ year sysadmin, I don't have smart home anything cause I don't want more shit to manage when I'm not working.
I barely touch my home network and servers cause I wait til something is obsolete or broken, then I replace with something that will have a long life and set it up to manage itself wherever possible. Some friends have really cool self hosted smart home setups and they like working on it as a hobby, not for me but I enjoy seeing them soldering boards for it and all that.
Problem is most mechanical locks aren't very good either. See lock picking lawyer on YouTube. Plus, the weakest link in electronic infrastructure is often physical. I can't find it right now, but there are some pretty amusing red team videos on YouTube of various physical vulnerabilities. I think people know more about the shortcomings of their particular area, so are more likely to use the things they don't specialize in.
Yep, completely true for me at least. I have a colleague who has everything smart though, so it's certainly not everyone, but I keep my house intentionally as dumb as possible. The only household thing I have that is "smart" is my robot vacuum, but we hardly ever use it anymore because doing it with a good old fashioned vacuum cleaner is so much quicker.
Edit: I do have a smart tv as well, actually, but with google assistant and the microphone disabled.
moved landline to Gvoice 15 years ago and set it to dnd. house phone never rings. get a transcript of any voicemail.
I was so confused at first with the mechanical windows... (i thought they where talking about the OS)
I hate wireless tech