Mechanical lock manufacturers are a fucking clown show and the very concept is fundamentally flawed. I don't know if I hate it more than the IoT/cloud bullshit, but it's up there.
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Work IT. Can confirm given the current hackability state of both tech chips and human brains, I'd rather be in the cretaceous.
I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
15+ year sysadmin, I don't have smart home anything cause I don't want more shit to manage when I'm not working.
I barely touch my home network and servers cause I wait til something is obsolete or broken, then I replace with something that will have a long life and set it up to manage itself wherever possible. Some friends have really cool self hosted smart home setups and they like working on it as a hobby, not for me but I enjoy seeing them soldering boards for it and all that.
My security is simply not keeping anything important on my computer/phone so if anything goes wrong, it ain't no thing to just wipe the drives and start over from scratch.
Once you see how its all a cash grab, really turns you off.
I spent a chunk of change 7 years ago to get cameras, alarm system, smart garage door, smart lights, and some speakers and I haven't spent a penny since except for some little batteries for the alarm sensors. Not sure what you're on about