Loss of seagrass is a huge problem beyond carbon.
- Breeding ground for fish (lots of wrasse)
- Food for turtles and manatees/dugongs
Loas of seagrass causes ecosystems to crash :(
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Loss of seagrass is a huge problem beyond carbon.
Loas of seagrass causes ecosystems to crash :(
This was a problem that I had never even heard of before. Ugh. It seems like ecologically it's just bad news after bad news.
There's a replanting program near where I am, and its insanely labour intensive.
Harvesting seeds. Growing them in tanks. And then plenting them in the ocean. A lot of acuba divers, a lot of time. Super time consuming.
And the area to reseed? Well, the total area to replant is maybe 66km² (25 square miles).
The more we know about this, the better. Depressing as it may be, learning about these means eventually we may be able to revive them.