Too many for me. Fallout 4: I have always loved the Abbot house family affairs. I know that's not the name of the quests, but I love all the things with them from Fallout 4. Hole in the wall is a standout. I also loved the murder mystery Vault in Far Harbor. I hated the quest finding Kellog, where you have to follow Dogmeat for 20 minutes.
Fallout 3: I also really like the Wasteland Survival Guide, Tenpenny Tower, You Gotta Shoot em' in the head, Oasis, and Agatha's Song.
New Vegas: Where's the Beef, Come Fly With Me, almost any new Vegas strip quests, especially the stuff with Gomorrah. I hate There Stands the Grass, or any Vault 22 quests. Fuck that place.