I haven’t been to Puerto Rico, so I’m basing this off my central american travel which may or may not match.
Be careful with drinks when you’re out, even as a man. The party atmosphere is also an adventure zone so there’s legit danger around. Doesn’t mean avoid it just means keep yourself aware, don’t drink heavily, don’t take hallucinogens, that sort of thing.
Partying lightly is highly encouraged while traveling; partying hard can be dangerous.
Interact with the ocean if you don’t live near one. I mean physically. Get in the ocean. Since this is a mental health board I am obliged to say the ocean can produce intense feelings of absolute and utter existential bliss. So be ready for that.
Also soak up some sun. Use sunblock to moderate it, but don’t neglect the opportunity to feel that expansive effect of being a happy summer creature.
Meditate a little each day. Or a lot, it’s vacation so you’ve got the time. Stretch and hydrate really well. Take a notebook and write your thoughts. Write about what you want out of life over the next year, and the year after that.
At some point toward the end of your trip but before you come home, take a moment to look at other places you might want to visit.