Idc, delete my shit and start us over. I'm real done with how you need to manage loot in this game and would welcome a move to a new platform with more RPG integrations and better loot systems. Right now you get so much loot, and 99.99% of it is complete garbage that instantly gets deleted.
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im worried about how many baboons and weasels are gonna attack them
I think the only way we get a new guardian is if Bungie puts out a new Destiny game. Since they said last year that Destiny 2 is continuing after TFS I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Even if there was a new game coming Bungie would probably port our characters again and wipe our vaults to reset the power floor.
I don’t think we’d lose our guardians. The attachment quite a few people (including myself) have to their guardians has grown throughout the years and I think Bungie would respect that. Also seems weird to just reset our progress once we complete a DLCs story.
I think they could reset us again, but like D2, it would be the same Guardian.
Nope, that’s a while from now plus it’s out of my control. So I’m just enjoying the game and will form an opinion about whatever happens when it happens. Eyes up, guardians!
I’m ok if my guardian gets nuked. I’ll finally get to say goodbye to the terrible eye shadow I applied in D1.
iirc they said in a twab or something that the final shape was just the end of the light and dark saga. Assuming their next title doesn't succeed, bungie would be dumb to kill off their cash cow. I think destiny is safe as long as marathon flops