Nice paint scheme. Care to share the mix?
this post was submitted on 20 Sep 2023
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Thank you! Sure I can share.
The basic scheme would be:
- Zenithal with airbrush or sprays (black, grey, white)
- Skin: Citadel Carrborough Crimson (thinned 1:1 with medium) all over model
- Skin-Drybrush: Citadel Wytch Flesh
- Carapace: Vallejo Game Color (VGC from here on) Hexed Lichen
- Carapace Highlights: VGC Stonewall Grey Drybrush
- "Gills" & "Breathing Holes" (don't know their names): Citadel Contrast Blood Angels Red
- Joints: Citadel Contrast Volupus Pink
- Hoofs, Claws & Teeth: either Citadel Contrast Black Templar or Army Painter Speed Pallid Bone
- Eyes: Base with Citadel Contrast Bad Moon Yellow and thin coat of FX Fluor Speed Yellow
- Gooy strings: Uhu Glue
- Fleshy parts (Wings or Termagant fleshborers): Citadel Contrast Darkoath
- Fresh and dried blood: Mix of Citadel Technichal Blood for the Blood God and Typhus Corrosion (varying ratio of both)
- Paste with Vallejo Diorama FX - Black Lava - Asphalt
- Heavy Drybrush with VGC Stonewall Grey
- Light Drybrush with VGC Dead White