I would also love a non black dark mode 🤞
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If your on the web, darkreader is really good (it even overrides dark themes, use the "brightness" slider)
That requires extending the Markdown protocol,
Markdown was built as a convient set of shortcuts for the verry complex and flexable display language of HTML. Letting other users display and execute unfiltered, user-generated HTML is disabled on almost all websites for security reasons. If we were to add a new intended way of generating colored text, it would take time for projects to implement that feture.
Edit: here is highlighting support for extended markdown and kramdown
Wait, I didn’t mean accent colour in texts but the ones you can select in the appearance page, which changes components and icons colors. That wouldn’t require HTML injection nor markdown, would it?
In the app settings, appearance tab we have an accent colour option. There we can pick a css colour for the accents, which colours some icons etc.
that's exciting
The Mlem client offers the requested feature, I think. If it wasn’t that one, it was Memmy.