
joined 2 years ago
[–] buran 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Most people of non-African origin (a fact that helped pinpoint where the mixing happened and when) have 1-3% or so, the amount varying by person and region.

[–] buran 2 points 3 months ago

I think it only works off road.

[–] buran 13 points 3 months ago (3 children)
[–] buran 2 points 8 months ago

I checked it out from my local library via Libby and I’m enjoying it. Cats seem to be getting overlooked, but the birds are great.

Unusual origin for the apocalypse, and it’s definitely one of the more interesting origins I’ve seen for zombie viruses.

[–] buran 2 points 9 months ago

Video link is bad.

[–] buran 2 points 9 months ago

Regulations require specific colours for specific indicators.

[–] buran 3 points 10 months ago

Now where’s my warships?

[–] buran 2 points 10 months ago

It’s been a while since I’ve played that. But yes, it’s helpful to see a graphical representation of where noisy things are, as I’m completely deaf in my left ear and can’t locate sounds.

[–] buran 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Hard of hearing also. It’s so frustrating that text signs that list announcements are so rare.

Captions on television/movies and games are commonplace, but in the real world, very few places care.

Might be because I’m in a red state for a few more years due to family; blue states likely tend to be more aware of issues like ours.

I did see written callouts of upcoming tram stops once, but I can’t recall which airport. It may have been ORD.

[–] buran 5 points 11 months ago

The marque is actually named for the daughter of the trademark registrar, Mercédès Adrienne Ramona Manuela Jellinek.

[–] buran 9 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Some keyboards also come with software that lets you disable or remap keys. I turned Caps Lock into something more useful to me, for instance.

[–] buran 1 points 1 year ago

They and Tesla are the holdouts. GM only recently killed phone mirroring but those two never had it.

I will not buy from any of them.


I’m really looking forward to getting rid of a lot of bag clutter. It’ll also be nice to trade in the lower crests that I can no longer use.


I want all the raptorcats.


Of all the dungeons that we'll see as keys for Season 3, I'm looking forward to seeing what Waycrest Manor is like.


Season 3 is launching on the 14th of November with the Amirdrassil raid and the new Mythic+ rotation.

Wowhead has an overview here.


We’ll choose a name for her over the next day or two.


As an evoker player (though not Augmentation yet), it's definitely frustrating to see that Augmentation players are getting kicked from groups for, supposedly, doing low DPS.

Support specs are new to WoW, so it's not surprising that there's no simple way to see how they contribute. But is it really fair to depend on a damage meter rather than the overall performance of the group? I've never felt as though damage meters really were as useful as many people make them seem.

An analogy that might help here: Augmentation evokers are force multipliers -- in military terms, that's a unit or soldier who makes others more effective. For instance, a forward air controller who calls in targets for ground-attack aircraft to hit. That FAC isn't going to do any damage on their own, but the aircraft they bring in wouldn't be able to damage its target without the FAC's assistance. The crew of that plane are vital, yes, but so are the people who tell them where to go.

And, going back to WoW figuring out how to properly track augmentation evokers' contributions to the battle is going to take add-on authors a while. Details is starting to try to make it happen, but for now the results aren't very accurate. But adapting to any new system, any new technology, takes time.

So if you see that small (for now) DPS bar in your damage meter addon, think twice before trying to boot a player who is trying their best to help you do your job better. Chances are that they're doing just fine. It's just a problem with how to measure the help they are giving you.

submitted 2 years ago by buran to c/worldofwarcraft
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by buran to c/worldofwarcraft

I’m personally looking forward to seeing Velen’s new prophecy.


This is definitely helpful in accessibility terms. I sometimes can't quite always make out a call to go somewhere or do something. I'm looking forward to see what this feature turns out to be capable of doing and how it works.


As a preservation evoker main, I'm looking forward to trying Augmentation to see what it's like, though I'm most likely going to continue to main Preservation.

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