this post was submitted on 13 Sep 2023
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Welcome to TeamFightTactics, a community for fans of Riot Games’ auto-battler game mode. Here you can share your strategies, tips, fan art, memes, and more. Please read the rules before posting and be respectful to other players. Enjoy your stay and have fun!


  1. Be civil and respectful. No personal attacks, insults, harassment, hate speech, or trolling.
  2. Stay on topic. Only post content related to TeamFightTactics or Riot Games. No spam, self-promotion, or off-topic discussions.
  3. Follow the etiquette and the Lemmy Code of Conduct. Do not post illegal, harmful, or offensive content. Do not brigade, vote manipulate, or abuse the report system.
  4. Use appropriate flair and spoiler tags. Flair your posts according to their type and use spoiler tags when discussing unreleased or sensitive information.
  5. Have fun and enjoy the game. This is a friendly community for sharing your passion and enthusiasm for TeamFightTactics. Be supportive and constructive to other players and have a good time!

founded 2 years ago

cross-posted from:

Look to the Horizon, and know you’re Bound for greatness!

Welcome to TFT’s final mid-set! In these notes, we’ll go through all the changes to existing systems, but to get a more detailed breakdown of what’s coming in the mid-set, check out our Horizonbound Gameplay Overview. For more information on the new cosmetics and Pass check out that link, and for a candid conversation on the history of mid-sets with Mort, Alex, and yours truly, click it here.

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