Can we join in? Current project the rainy bus stop scene from My Neighbor Totoro
Cross stitch and embroidery
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Oh! I just bought that pattern like 2 weeks ago and I've been working up the nerve to start it lol! Looks like your making good progress so far! Let me know if it becomes particularly infuriating lol
I decided to tweak the pattern a little and do it on black cloth so as to avoid doing all the black. And maybe letting the characters and rain stand out a little. I'm really not looking forward to figuring out how to do the rain...
I got black cloth for the same reason! I'd say the backstitching on the bus sign looks like the part that will give me the most trouble
Definitely. Some of that looks downright diabolical.
Woop! Did you figure out his hair already or is it just less obvious in this pic? :D
(I have had barely any stitching time this week so nothing really to report but I SWEAR I'll get something interesting done next week ๐ )
I just filled in some small parts on the back with sharpie to just kind of feather out the difference. I thought about doing the whole thing but I realized it would be overkill, and the sharpie smell was starting to get to me lol
Seems like it's worked well then, if I didn't already know about the issue I'd never have picked it out from this photo. Hope you never need to wash it ๐ฌ
I actually do need to wash it. It's permanent marker, do you think it will still bleed?
I think, if it was me, I'd be getting pretty nervous. Maybe just...wash around that part haha.
Maybe I'll just do some creative framing once it's done lol
Great progress!
Keep at it!
Thanks! I've gotten a lot more done since this picture so hopefully I will have it finished and ready to share in a couple of days!