I read a couple of years ago that farmers in American deserts raise hay to ship to Middle Eastern livestock operations. True or not, our global food system is so convoluted for maximal monetization that it will probably be just as difficult to manage appropriately as the fossil fuels industry.
Earthling Liberation notes
We live in ~~a society~~ an ecosphere.
- not a place for debate
- lurk all you want
- make your own
and crosspost if you are displeased with the rules
No system but the ecosystem
What does that even mean?
Here's an aspect: https://www.radicalphilosophy.com/article/nature-in-the-limits-to-capital-and-vice-versa
the better word is commodification.
Here's something about reversing that:
Domestic animals are among the first commodities. The world "capital" comes from head, as in head of, as in head of large animal, or what's called "living stock", livestock. It shares the same root with "cattle" and "chattel". It's about creating and selling commodities and reproducing capital. It's also part of the primitive drive towards familial wealth or inheritance with accumulation, along with the generation of unimaginable inequality... before the modern industrial era.
How very true. I was too focused on alliteration but climaxing commodification would have worked even better!
I'm not sure how easy it will be to get current family farmers involved, but the nature article talked about community and communally held things. At least in my area, these concepts are valued in some way by folks working in agriculture (who also generally own the land as a family) so perhaps the connections are already there. And many of them already do the Japanese 'half farming, half x' whether they want to or not.