I used to use a website called Lang-8. It’s not really for direct chats, but you write an entry and then natives can come and correct it for grammar and/or natural feel. I was never brave enough to do full on chats with natives, so that’s the best I have ^^;
Japanese Language
ようこそJapaneseLanguageへ! 日本語に興味を持てば、どうぞ登録して勉強しましょう!日本語に関係するどのテーマ、質問でも大歓迎します。 This is a community dedicated to the Japanese language. Feel free to come in and ask questions or post your thoughts and opinions about this beautiful language.
Feel free to check out the web archive of r/LearnJapanese's resources if you're looking for more learning material or tools to aid you in your Japanese language journey!
Remember that you can add furigana to your posts by writing ~{KANJI|FURIGANA}~ like:
~{漢字|かんじ}~ which comes out as:
There's a website/app called italki that has the specific purpose of allowing you to practice talking with native speakers. It's paid per session, and offers a variety of levels of complexity.
It also depends of your language level. People don't want to talk about the weather if they aren't payed.
Vr chat - for advanced people
Italki - for beginners
Vrchat and you don’t even need VR to go in.
You can go to /r/LearnJapanese Discord server.