
joined 2 years ago
[–] qantravon 11 points 3 days ago (1 children)

School vouchers are actually terrible. They take funding from already struggling schools and give it to private institutions which already don't have to follow many of the policies outlined above (they can discriminate in a lot of ways that public schools can't). They also mostly end up being a subsidy for the wealthy.

[–] qantravon 8 points 1 week ago

Oh, you didn't hear? He doesn't care about that anymore. Says the rest of us should stop whining about it.

[–] qantravon 2 points 1 week ago

And remember, their entire reasoning for putting him there was that the military was too "woke" and that that was harming its readiness.

[–] qantravon 67 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Small note for the summary: "probationary" in terms of government employees does not necessarily mean new, it means new in that role.

So, someone who has been working for the government for 20 years and was just promoted to a senior position is a probationary employee.

[–] qantravon 2 points 1 week ago

Except it doesn't

[–] qantravon 1 points 2 weeks ago

Ah, looks like you're correct, I guess I got the claims conflated myself.

[–] qantravon 34 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

Let's assume for a second that the claims about the MMR vaccine had merit. It was specifically claimed that the cause was the addition of thimerosal as a preservative agent. Despite there being no evidence supporting this assertion, thimerosal was removed from nearly all vaccines decades ago. Which means that, if he was genuine in his beliefs, he shouldn't have a problem with any of them anymore.

EDIT It appears the thimerosal claim wasn't actually linked to MMR, as that vaccine never had it to begin with. My bad.

[–] qantravon 9 points 2 weeks ago

He is a citizen. Now, there is some evidence he may have obtained that citizenship under false pretenses, but as of now he is legally a US citizen.

[–] qantravon 29 points 3 weeks ago

He legitimately might not remember. Someone asked him about calling Zelensky a dictator today and his response was "Did I say that? I can't believe I said that." And that was something he said just over a week ago.

[–] qantravon 16 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's a shot across the bow. It gets people organizing and coordinating. Once people start working together on something, you can then direct that and focus long term on a boycott of, say Amazon.

[–] qantravon 29 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, I'm not declaring victory yet. Celebrate the wins where we get them, but this is far from over. We have successfully thrown some sand in the gears, but there is still a lot of damage that can be done. This coup is ongoing, popular support be damned. He's not going to stop trying as long as he's in office.

[–] qantravon 12 points 3 weeks ago

Pearson has been operating like that for decades. I had similar issues with their online homework systems ~15 years ago.

Repetitive Epics (self.daystrominstitute)

Garak asserts to Bashir that the Repetitive Epic is the finest form of Cardassian literature. I was wondering, is there any real-life literature that could be considered a "repetitive epic" in the same vein as "The Neverending Sacrifice?"

Vulcan Sex Workers (self.daystrominstitute)

It has occurred to me that Vulcan must have some form of sex industry to handle those going through Pon Farr who aren't currently married or otherwise involved. Otherwise, they'd have constant issues with violence from those suffering the "blood fever" whose spouse was far away, or had died, or for some other reason had no one to mate with.

Given Vulcan attitudes towards sex, it's probably kept out of sight, and is only "officially" available to those experiencing their "Seven Year Itch," but it has to exist, right?


In Voyager's transporter room, there is an alcove on the side, and embedded in the wall is what appears to be a small transporter pad. I don't believe anyone is ever shown interacting with this, so there's no definitive explanation for what it is. Assuming it is what it appears to be, what would be the purpose of a very small transporter like this?

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